Thursday, August 23, 2012

Time for an Outing

One day last week Suhaana was ambling around the house. Her car seat was sitting on the floor from where little pooki girl had been disembarked a day before after an outing. Suhaana went after it. She pulled at the straps, and contemplated the design pattern on the car seat cover. I was distracted for a minute or so; and where do I find this girl?
Inside the car seat, holding the straps, looking expectantly "Let's go now" almost!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Mobile News Update

Let's recap for a bit:
Head and neck control? Check.
Vision? Check.
Sideways turning? Check.
Rollover tummy to back? Check.
Rollover back to tummy? Check.
Crawling? Check.
Cruising? Check.
Walking? C.H.E.C.K.!!

Actually it's been going on for last 3-4 weeks. She has been walking for a few steps then falls back down. Sort of uncertain. But as of last week that hurdle of imbalance and uncertainty were crossed with determination. Yes, she's walking, liking it and now preferring it to crawling even (better view while walking) - unless she's on grass where there's the prospect of eating/tasting grass.

I am so very proud of this brave little determined thing!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Meet Fido

Meet Fido. He's a medium brown colored, small dog. About 3-4 inches tall. With droopy eyes and a permanent cute expression, he sports a muffler. He's also one of Suhaana's favorite friends.

Fido actually has a history- its the first present that Raj gave me a long, long time ago. Fido is special.

Yesterday Suhaana was coming downstairs in the morning - riding on her papa's arms. She was watching the stairs and here-n-there. At the foot of the stairs what did she find? Fido. Sitting there since last night. She made a sound to say hello to Fido- good morning! Her dad noticed too. So he took her here-n-there but Suhaana's eyes were glued to Fido. Finally they came at baby-arm's length to Fido. To tiny fingers came, gingerly touched Fido's arm. Caught hold of his muffler. Then pulled it ever so delicately. Soon Fido was in Ms. Suhaana's hands. She let out a giggle of delight and proceeded to taste his nose.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Evening Walks are Mandatory

Evening walks are mandatory. Now they are.

Ms. Haana (as her friend D calls her sweetly) is now so fond of her evening walks to the lake, where she watches the ducks go by, and watches other people walk their dogs, and makes noises at other small kids; she makes a big fuss if we don't go for her walk. Yesterday it was about to rain (boonda-bandi) so I just stood outside the door with her; and poor thing was wondering why is mummy not going, why are we just stanging outside the door but not going anywhere. Finally as a response to her protests, i got an umbrella and Raj and I took her out. We went to the gazebo on the lake and sat there for sometime.

It was a pleasant walk; but don't make the mistake of assuming it was optional!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Fantasy Land

I have to admit. For the last 45 minutes or so I've been arranging and rearranging the blocks of a jigsaw block "Fantasy Land" I bought for Suhaana. The blocks are about an inch or inch and a half wide blocks. Multicolored. Multiple shapes. And the complete picture includes castles and tombs and smiling little girl, teddy bear, wolf, a coiled up snake, tiger, bell (for the bell tower), rounded archways, more castles.. It is beautiful! And there oh so many combinations! Do you want to have 2 tall minarets or wider castles with tombs on top. Should the castle have a flag on top. Should it be red or pink? There's a bell tower but is the bell on the tall minaret or on a shorter tower? Where do the star and moon go? Next to the sun? You gotta be kidding me!

Looks like the makers were targeting to the wrong child!

Sunday, August 5, 2012


Lately since Suhaana has turned into this super squirmy baby, it's been impossible to pin her down. This is especially true in the icky tricky trying times of diaper changes. So, I've devised a new strategy. I have divided diaper changes into two separate activities, ideal for the short be-still timespan of babies.

The first phase: pin baby down, get the old diaper off, clean baby.
Second phase: pin baby down, get new diaper on baby.
Between the two stages, dispose dirty diaper, wash hands etcetera.

This also means that in the time between the two phases that's like those folds between the time-space continuum, we have a bottom-nude diaper less baby running around(crawling around) at home. (Actually one other reason for doing it this way is so that the bottom has time to dry off - before being wrapped up again - but that may be way too much information).

The other day, I'd just completed phase 1. Washed my hands, when I saw this baby running towards me. And not far behind I saw some drops on the tiles, joining and becoming strings of liquid ultimately leading me to a small little puddle sitting discretely between the living room and foyer.

When I look at this girl with laughing eyes and asked her how the puddle came to be, she giggled like I had just become privy to a funny little secret and scuttled in the opposite direction - too much to explore not enough time.

Meanwhile, mama's gotta take care of puddle.