Tuesday, September 22, 2015


This is Mumma with straight hair (in reality are very curly- is this a hint?) wearing a long skirt and Papa with a beard wearing shorts.
Miss Haana is going to add herself to the picture too.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Mumma Has A Frown

Little Miss Haana now draws her own pictures and colors them brilliantly! Last weekend she was coloring using my crayons and made a king and queen on the inside of a card. When the card closes, they kiss, she said (kissing sound externally provided for effects!).

Then she was making softy cones and assigning them to people. "This one is mine, this one is for Papa. This one is for Mumma". 

She makes a family of smilie faces while doodling.

Last night, though, she made her family again. Only, Papa and the baby were next to each other all happy and smiling. And Mumma was on the other end and with a big frown! When I asked why does Mumma have a big frown? She said "Mumma is upset because baby is not sleeping!"

I was not liking this one bit. I protested, Mumma is not mad. Mumma is happy too. I changed the frown to a happy face and felt all better inside. Little girl approved.