Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Banter Unlimited

A typical banter between Miss Haana and me:

Haana: There's a new boy in my class today. His name is Rex.
Mumma: Really? They have a baby dino in you're class? Did he eat a few kids today?
H: No! He's not a dino. He's human.
M: Oh!
M: Gugu,  do they only have humans in your class?
H: (rolling eyes) Yes, only human kids.
M: Then how come they let you in the class? Did they not notice you yet?
M: (chuckling)
H: Not funny!!!

H: How was your day today?
M: Good
H: What did you do today?
M: i told other people what to do.
H: But what did you do?
M: I told other people what to do.
H: But what did YOU do?
M: i told other people what to do. (Realization dawns) That's what i do everyday.
H: You're a manager? Ohh! I can't belive you earned that job.  (Hugs)
M: (A little bewildered, but soaking in the hug).
H: Who gave you the job?
M: My manager
H: Is he a boy or a girl?
M: Boy
H: Does he wear a white shirt with black things on it. And black bottoms with white things on it. And a red in the middle.
M: No. He's not a snowman.
H: Not a snowman!
H: You're the best mom! You're my mom forever!
M: I'm so glad I'm your forever mom Gugu. Otherwise i would've had to find you another mom.
M: And really,  where would i find you another mom.  I would've just had to return you at Kroger.
M: And even that's dicey.  You don't fit in the original packaging box anymore.  They wouldn't take you back anymore (chuckling inside).
H: (Zoned off)

Thursday, November 17, 2016


I've been waiting for the Presidential Election fever to pass before bragging about an Election of my own. But who am I kidding, this Election fever is going to stay a while.

Earlier this month little Miss Haana's montessori teachers- Miss Ashwani and Miss Zeena talked to the class about the elections. The children learnt who the major parties were,  who their nominees were. When the election day was. And then later,  they learnt who the new president will be.

But to drive home the concept,  they had a class election to choose the class president. There were 6-7 candidates. They have campaign speeches describing why their classmates should vote for them. And then after a toughly contested campaign,  it was time for class elections.  Little miss Haana was one of the candidates. She gave her campaign speech describing she would work to keep the class in order. Keep the classroom clean and tidy and orderly. She would be good for them. Ballots were cast and counted. And then it was time to announce the winners.

My little girl Haana was elected the president of her class!!! And I'm the president's mom! Priceless.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Roadside Puddles

This one comes with a gross alert. It can be somewhat gross.

A few weekends back we were on our way coming back from a weekend trip. It was a road trip with a 4 hour drive back home. There were about an hour and a half remaining to get home. Miss Haana had to go potty. Now, little miss Haana is no stranger to going to pee in the woods. (I may have something to do with that"education", but let's not digress). But, we were not exactly in woods anymore. We were in the suburbs with no substantial tree cover.

We found a somewhat lonely patch of open fields flanked by an equally lonesome road. Dad parked the car at an angle to prevent passers-by from becoming onlookers. And the little girl and I got out of the car. In no time, she was "at work". The little girl lately has this fashion concept of wearing tights and a skirt over them. And by the time I figured I should probably mention something about grabbing the skirt,  it was too late.

When i turned around this little cute thing was hunched over. Her small skirt skirting the floor. A small puddle forming around her and collecting on her skirt. My first thought was,  aww, look at this cute little thing by the side of the road.
And then,  when I saw the puddle I could not resist myself. I started laughing. The little girl thought I was laughing at her by the side of the road, under broad daylight between the clear blue sky and this small patch of green grass. She started laughing at the comedy of the situation too.

And then when I noticed where the poodle was forming-on the skirt,  I couldn't control myself!! I laughed and laughed. I looked up at the clear blue sky and doubled over holding the side of the car to steady myself at the hilarity of the puddly little skirt. Actually,  just a second back I had had this thought of telling her to grab hold of her skirt so it doesn't get "rained on", but by the time I would've executed on that thought, it was too late already. And now, look at what happened to it.

The little girl still didn't know,  and I was already doubled up and teary eyed with all that laughter that I didn't know how to contain. Dad opened the window on our sideof the car to ask what was going on. I could hardly take my breath, let alone tell him which puddles we were playing with here. Finally he got our of the car and came around to assess the situation. I was still laughing. By this  time, little miss Haana stood up and said her slippers are wet too. More uncontrolled laughter ensued. I gave her a long creepy "Ewwww" comment. But we were both still laughing at the mishap yet.

No more skirts of long drive adventures,  I declared. For once little miss Haana agreed with me. I took out some water and fresh clothes for some clean up.