Sunday, August 19, 2018

Glitter for First Grade

Tomorrow little Miss Haana starts another year of school. First grade.

We were invited to their school's "Howdy" night to meet the new first grade teacher Friday of last week. Miss Greene greated us and handed us a sealed envelop with the little girl's name on it in bold. She said it is to be opened only on Sunday night. The little girl met up with her classmates from kinder, who will all soon be first graders. It was a raucous affair. The wannabe-first-graders were bouncing off with delight. I lost track of the little girl at the school and for some time, caught only fleeting glimpses of her running away with her friends in tow.

Finally when it was time to leave, we somehow rounded her up and headed for dinner.

Later that weekend, it was sunday evening and time to open the sealed envelop. Inside, there was a poem about the fun to be had at first grade and advice about getting a good night's sleep before first day of school. And in the envelop was some glitter to put under the pillow for sweet, sweet sleep. (It wasn't really glitter, it was sparkly, glittering flowers and stars and other colorful, sparkly delights). At home, I dutifully put the glitter under the little girl's pillow, although I did manage to negotiate one sparkly, red flower for my pillow too! And we both headed to sleep!

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Yes Master

Little Miss Haana likes to bully me when I'm putting her to  bed. "Mumma, tickle my arm". It starts off like that. But then, "Higher up". Then,  "Lower". "In the middle". Then,  "Other arm now". "Higher up". "Now tickle my back". "Not there, on the left side". "ON THE LEFT SIDE MUMMA!". Never shy about showing discontent! One morning, she told me to "Warm my arms now"!

So I thought it would be only fair for me to train her to my ways too. This morning, on the way to summer camp, I taught her when mumma tells you all the things you need to do, you need to respond with "Yes Master". She wanted me to try it first. So, she came up with a directive about her make belief toy: "You shall take this sword and bow to it", she said. "Yes, Master", I complied, eager to get to the rest of the fun.
Then I said, "Make sure you finish your lunch, take big bites and chew fast". To which, she replied with words like honey, "Yes, Master"!!!!

Of course I repeated my command to hear the yes-master several times.