I've been avoiding this conversation for years now, but it's been coming up in more earnest lately. "Mumma, I want a dog!", says little miss Haana with doggy eyes herself. I love dogs myself, but they're just a lot of work.
When i was growing up, in 7th grade, I forced my parents to get a dog. It was not my first attempt. I had taken many abandoned dogs and cats into my wing over the years, none of them quite made it inside the house thanks to my parents. But then one day we were visiting my aunt when we met Lucky. My aunt was fostering him and he was just a 6 weeks old puppy. This was my chance! I got my parents to take Lucky back to our house. And that was the beginning of an interesting journey! While I did go and run outside to catch Lucky (he liked to run away), my parents ended up walking him many a times.
When little Miss Haana brought up wanting a dog, I remind her dogs are a lot of work. The dog would need to be walked 3 times a day. Trained. Boarded somewhere if we go on a vacation. "I have a plan, Mumma", she said all business like.
"In the morning, I will have to go to school, so Papa will walk the dog. While he's walking it, Papa will also scoop the poop. (Giggles). In the evening as soon as I come back from school, I will walk the dog. But Papa will still come with me to scoop the poop. Then after dinner, in the night, I will walk the dog before bed. Papa will come with me then too. Why? To scoop the poop."
So, what is Papa's job in this whole dog keeping story?
"His job is that he is a pooper scooper!! "
More giggles erupt, this time from both of us!!