Little Miss Haana had been working on her craft project for several days. She'd gotten a box full of popsicles sticks and had been working away with her glue gun.
It was father's day. And little miss Haana was busy working on building all kinds of shapes and designs and crafts with her popsicle sticks. She stuck the sticks together and then colored the sticks, stuck pompoms or covered them with yarn.
In the last few days she had made:
A treasure box with a lid. A green colored Christmas tree with a small gift box underneath it. A freestanding fan shaped, colorful craft that could be used as a magazine holder.
And then there was this small cage styled to be a little backpack. Or maybe a bigger treasure box!
All these items were the father's day gifts. I was told we would be making chocolate cake in the morning. Since I am doing low carb diet these days, I figured low carb chocolate and strawberry muffins would make a worthy alternate choice. So, early on the sunday morning, miss haana and i got to work. She helped with the mixing and sifting and cutting off the strawberries for the muffins. Then when we got to the baking, little miss Haana got back on her little brown chair with her glue gun and pompoms finishing up the last of her craft projects.
Once the muffins are done, we took them out. We figured we needed 7 muffins with 1 candle each for the 7 years of fatherhood! We sang the happy father's day song, blew the candles and got to the eating-fresh- muffins part!
Later that day we took the 7 year old father to brunch with live music and drinks. It was a good father's day!