Saturday, September 26, 2020

Half A Thing

My little Bobby boy is all of 6 months old this week. Half a year old.

His nani (maternal grandma) called up in the morning to wish him happy half birthday! After little miss Haana's remote learning school got over, we met up with Bobby and Haana's Godfather Keith. He had specifically driven to town to commemorate the half birthday with ice cream. While little miss Haana and I enjoyed our ice cream treat, Bobby didn't actually get any. But he intently watched. 😋

After we got back home, i debated whether to make the cake or defer to another day. But then decided, another day would not be the same day. So decided to pull it together. And later that evening, there as a fresh baked chocolate cake on the dining table. Bobby was placed in his high chair, and we sang him his birthday song, cut the cake. And unlike ask the times before, this time, i even let him taste the chocolate cake. I think he loved it! We gave him several little bits of the cake! He lapped it up. The growing boy needs his chocolate cake nutrition, but also his love and hugs vitamins. A well balanced diet.

Friday, September 11, 2020

Cereal Commercials

Have you ever seen those commercials for baby cereal, where they have a fictitious baby lapping up the tasteless cereal like it is a God-send? I used to think the baby in these commercials either must have hidden pointy antennas coming out of him, or is really a grown up actor in an oversized baby-suit! Who has ever seen babies sitting around pretty, to have the next bite of tasteless gooey paste shoved into their mouth. 

But that was all until now. Little Bobby boy is not so little anymore. He has been dipping his toes in solids foods, and in case of baby oatmeal, he's been outright swimming in it. He likes it. A lot! So much so that he wants to yank the spoon off my hands and eat the spoon, just in case that might yield some more of the liquidy goodness! I tasted the cereal myself. Does it really taste that great? No, it tastes like gritty water. But hey, its not like I'm complaining. I'm too busy playing dodgeball with two the little hands to get the cereal spoon reach the mouth. And once there, to get the poor spoon out of the tight clamp of gummy gums and graspy little fingers. 

It's a win-win!

Saturday, September 5, 2020

Ranked Best Mom

It was 2 years back when my parents last visited us. During that visit, little miss Haana made nana (maternal grandpa) cook french fries for her almost every other day. I should add, Nana is more like a twice-in-a-year kind of a cook, if that! When they come to visit, I make sure no one is left behind in helping out in the kitchen! ;) Their visit 2 years back is marked in memory with so much good food! Goat curry, goat biryani, chicken curry, aaloo paratha (potato stuffed tortillas cooked with oil) and of course several times a week, home cooked french fries! Even since they left, french fries has become a distant memory. Little miss Haana reminds Nana she'll be needing more french fries when they see each other next. 

Last week, the little girl asked me in earnest to make french fries. She peeled the potatoes, and then used card stock to make a french fries holder, much like mcDonalds' open box to hold the fries and put the sign M on it (I think that's M for Mumma, not McDonalds). I cooked the french fries and filled 'em up in her fries box. 

In the end, she made me a beads bracelet with the letters "Best Ranked Mom"! The fries mightbe over but I get bragging rights forever!