Over the holidays we got together with Kirthi aunty and Karthik uncle and sweet Varam to go to the Fossil Rim safari. They provide a cup full of feed for the animals, all herbivores, and as the animals come up close to the car window, you can feed them. It was a 2 hour drive. Little miss Haana and I were quite excited. I intended to lure the animals close to the window and pet them while they're close enough. Last time we had come here, little Bobby boy was 4 months old. I remember because we saw 4 month old cheetah cubs that time (separate enclosure), and I thought they were so cute, but my 4 month old cub was more good looking!
Once we reached we haggled at the engraved to see if we can get another cup of feed. In stead they just have us another cup to divide the feed amongst us. Little miss Haana got one cup, and I took the other. Both of us shouting out various noises to the unsuspecting mountain goats, ibexes, deer, and others from opposite window of the car. Soon little Bobby boy was interested too. He wanted to feed the animals too, but right when they got real close to the window, he was scared and dropped the feed or of the window. He giggled at this. I sat with him and I braved it, having the mountain goat eat out of my hand.. bobby boy giggled at that too.
Soon though another thought came to him though. What does the feed taste like? Next time i turned to face Bobby, his cheeks were puffy with a minced grass or hay pellet. "Oh no Bobby!! No eating the feed!!", I exclaimed. I pryed my fingers into the puffy cheeks to extract the feed out, but was only half way successful. A small piece came out. But the rest was still in his mouth, and bobby boy quickly jumped to the back seat and away from my arms reach, defensively. "This is mine" written all over his puffy cheeks and face. I gave in. I accepted it as part of Fossil Rim adventures.
As we went through the rest of the safari, we met several emus, for who we threw out some feed (no hand feeding to these guys), and some ortriches (close the window on these ones).
We met a giraffe too and little miss Haana hung outside the car window to feed the giraffe the last remaining remnants of the feed we got. Bobby was much amused too. He had only ever seen a giraffe in a book or the toy giraffe he got from Keith over Christmas. This one was much much bigger!
As always it was a good trip! The kids had fun. On the way back he had a picnic lunch. Bobby boy didn't eat much. Yet I'm sure it was an interesting tasting trip for him!