Little Bobby boy is no hard of hearing. But often times it feels so. After many a frustrating days of telling him to do something or not to do something, and Bobby boy steadfastly ignoring my pleas, commands and threats; I was desperate to find something that will work!
The boy has long been fascinated with cop cars and then cops. At some point, unclear when, all cops who drive a cop car or a motorcycle, came to be known as "Cop Uncle's. Turns out Cop Uncle are these enigmatic beings, both fascinating and intimidating to da-boy. And so it happened that request/ command that he would've initially immediately refused with a "No, I don't want to", can be followed by "You have to Bobby, otherwise I'll have to call the Cop Uncle", would then be somehow accepted! And so we could now take a shower, go to potty, come back home from the park! My life was looking good!
Yesterday, though, it seemed like the tables are turned. Bobby and little miss Haana had been in the bathroom, instructed to take a shower. That's when the boy came back, and steadfastly went to Papa. "Papa, can you call the Cop Uncle for gugu please?". I heard it from the study and couldn't resist. I came over to see for myself. "Why, Bobby?"
"Gugu's not listening Papa!"
" She's not?"
"No! She's not listening to Bobby. Can you call the Cop Uncle for Gugu, Papa?"
I was trying to keep a straight face. Soon little miss Haana emerged from the bathroom, "He's mocking me!", she said giggling and pointing fingers!
"Are you not listening to Bobba, Gugu?"
More giggles!!
"Ya, Gugu's not listening to Bobba", the tattletale reiterated for good measure.
In between my giggles I tried to keep a straight face and said, "Ok Gugu listen to Bobba, ok? And Bobby, listen to Gugu, ok?"
"Ok", they said non-committaly!
They held hands and retreated to the bathroom reconciled momentarily!!