Sunday, May 26, 2013

Reality is Only A Probability

I love Calvin's dad - he's done the impossible! He's taken this really tough job of parenting and turned it around to be a vehicle of his amusements and experiments! Its pure genius! I'm surprised its not already patented.

What I also agree with Calvin's dad is that popular knowledge is incredibly boring. Alternate outlandish explanations with no bearing on scientific data or populist notions of reality are so much more interesting. And quantum mechanics itself tells us- we can never be 100% sure- there's always a level of uncertainties even to our most certain realities. Which means the outlandish explanations are not really falsehood and made-up lies after all - just alternate realities. Much like alternate universes.

Now with that preface it's only a good thing that sometimes when Miss Suhaana says something wrong (by popular knowledge anyway) but incredibly cute, I have to encourage her - its only part of good parenting.

Sometime back Miss Haana was learning to identify the eyes and nose and ears etc. And somehow she got the eyes and nose messed up, such that most days, the eye is the nose and the nose is the eye. I do as any good parent would be expected I do.. Never stop laughing as I agree with her- point to her eye and say "N.O.S.E.")!

Lately she's learnt the three words that preface her big jumps- ready-steady-go. Only that for her- it is "Ready. Steady. G.O.A.T"!! Once again, being the supportive that I resolve to be- I agree with her and make it a point to say "Goat" every time I can!! It is hilarious!

As she grows up, I do intend to teach her about how big the sun is and where it sets as well! :)

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