Thursday, July 4, 2013


Today was a day well spent. It was  spent at a nearby (within 2 hours' drive) wildlife conservatory which has a scenic wildlife drive through it. We bought a bag of feed from the admission gate and were on our way to meet gazelles, deers, multiple antelope species, audads, giraffes, zebras, emus and ostriches. The initial mile or so we followed the guidelines and threw the feed away from the car for the antelopes or deers to get them.
Later, we got wiser and bolder. The little girl was sitting either next to me or on my lap (we were driving at 5miles an hour or less) and was handing me the feed for me to hand to the deers, antelopes or gazelles. One antelope with massive antlers almost came inside the car to get the next bite of the feed. I blame it on Miss Haana who couldn't hand me the feed fast enough for the antelope. I was leaning away from the window trying to avoid getting licked in the face by this massive four legged and we were laughing! 
Later I tried not to laugh as I turned around and found that when I was not looking, the little girl was beginning to lick the feed and see how it tastes! If these four legged folks like this, it must taste good- she must've thought. I nipped the feed-tasting efforts in the bud, though.
The cheetahs were in an enclosure by themselves, and we were thrilled to find a couple of them very close to our car. When I say 'we' I mean we excluding  Miss Haana. Because when we were marvelling at the cheetahs, she was not impressed- (what kind of cat doesn't even say meaow). While I was hanging outside the car window (we were not allowed to step outside the car) to get good photo of the wild cat, the little girl was fussing about her Minnie Mouse shoe coming off! 
Some days I don't get kids at all! 

1 comment:

  1. I visited a wildlife preserve on Thursday too and fed a bear. Did you know bears like vitamins? There's one healthy bear out there somewhere. Unfortunately, I've now missed taking my vitamins for 4 days. :)
