Sunday, September 29, 2013

Inner Circle

You know when someone is in Miss Haana's inner circles when they are needed to be there in bed when she's tucked in, when they're offered a bottle of milk from her own share, when they are talked to intently for at least 30 minutes when the little girl wakes up in the morning, when they're needed when going for walks and outdoor excursions, and when she holds their hands or fingers when walking. If you think that's Mumma, think again!
It's this guy!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Sweetest Thing

Miss Haana and I were waiting in her doctor's office today, so we were playing our latest games.

"Suhu, do you know how does a fish give a pucchhi (Hindi baby talk for kiss)?"
A continuous stream of kisses into baby ears leads to loud chuckles and giggles.

"Suhu, do you know how does a turtle give a pucchhi?"
I pretend to bite the little baby hands and cheeks only to end up with kisses instead of bites. More delightful laughter and uncontrollable giggles. She flinches to get away but mummy already got her and we both ended up laughing and giggling!

Then I asked Suhu, "Do you want a fish pucchhi?
"Do you want a turtle pucchhi?"
And then, to my surprise she said- 
"Want Mumma pucchhi"
And then kissed me on my right cheek.
And then as if that alone wasn't enough to completely floor me, she said: "One more!" and proceeded to give a big sloppy kiss on my left cheek!

It was the sweetest thing EVER!!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

It's A Tough War

We're in the dark phase of food rejection once again. I keep getting this déjà vu feeling - like I've been here before.
Anyhow, its been causing major heartburn to all the involved parties. Miss Haana has figured out she needs some arsenal to stick to her guns (of not eating) and still avoid getting into trouble (stern/mean looks followed by time-out). And I have to say- her arsenal works like a charm!

Just at the point when we're getting mad at her and finally loosing it, she says something totally unexpected - she puts together phrases and words she's not used together before, like: "No, thank you!! No thank you Papa! Thank you!" or like yesterday's "No problem! No problem". And we usually look at each other wondering where she picked that from and admit defeat by breaking into a smile. It's a tough war this one! And we parents are not in a good spot, I must admit.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Bug Talk

"How are you doing Bug?"
"Are you having fun, Bug?"

Intent watching from either side.

Finally, bug decides to move on. I find myself secretly thanking bug! 

Now bug has decided to climb a small step but it is proving challenging and slippery.

"Come on Bug, come on!"
"You can do it Bug!"
"Come on Bug"

Regardless of the pep talk, bug slips and falls again.

"Oww Bug fall down"
"Bug got boo-boo"
"Bug fall down"

I'm tired of being made to sit around watching bug. Being the parent I'm taking a stand (!) and deciding to move on now.

"Ba-bye Bug"
"See you later!"
"Tale care!"
"Bye bye!"

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Glossary of Terms - Part 1

Glossary of Terms - Part 1

The following are some terms that may help you understanding Miss Haana better. 
On the left are a few of the words from her vocabulary.
Onthe right are how Miss Haana thinks they ought to be said.

Abigail (her friend) -- Agaalaa
Aligator -- Agulator
Umbrella -- Underbrella
Good Morning -- Goo' Monee
Good Night -- Goo' Nite
How do you do? -- How u (d) you?
Vegetable -- Vegituble
Butterfly -- Baadafly
Dragonfly -- Daagonfly
Finish -- Feeeesh
Thank you -- Thank youuuuuuu
Spank -- Pank
Water cup -- Wata cup
Diaper Bag -- Dipaa Bag
Get up -- Geeetap
Stop it -- Topeet
I did it -- I dideet
Dinosaur -- Die-saur
Car Seat Ghummi (Hindi for walk) -- Ca See Ghummi
Good girl -- Googirl
Sprinkler -- Plinkler
Rabbit -- Wabbit
Elephant -- Ephant
Cutie pie -- Kutti pie
Trumpet -- Tumpet
Piano -- Pinna
Yes I can -- Yes I can (sing-song tone)
No,no, no -- No, no, no (sing-song tone)
Dusty -- Dukty
Dress -- Deass
Sky - Kkkyy
Grapes -- Gapes 
Green -- Geeen
Crayon -- Kayon
Spoon -- Poon
Surprise -- Uprise
Iguana -- Guaana

and the list continues..

Sunday, September 8, 2013

All Around The World

Babies all around the world are saying Mumma (or the translation into different languages thereof) right now. All except my little bird, who calls out to Papa instead! :)

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Rag Doll

Here's what I see in front of me right now:
A somewhat 3 feet big rag doll jumping up and down on the bed amidst peals of gleeful giggles. Up and down. High and low. Is it on the bed or trampoline?
Then one big jump and the rag doll lands on the bed but instead of her feet- on her bottom!
Then swings back to lie flat on the bed, more giggles and verification to check if everyone is in on the fun.
Then, repeat.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Science Boy

Raj was telling me what happened this morning. Miss Haana was watching some baby television show this morning and the science boy on the show was talking about how important brushing your teeth is- why we need to brush, how one must brush, to use a toothpaste, to do it properly etc. 

Miss Haana actually used to like brushing as long as she doesn't have to use the toothpaste and if she's brushing by herself and Mumma or Papa are not brushing her teeth for her. In reality, though, she ends up brushing her tongue more than her teeth. Which means one of us adults needs to intervene and make sure the teeth are brushed. Which is then faced with a resistance so strong, most days we feel our resolve waning. 

But this morning, after seeing the science boy, she ran upto her Papa. Asked for toothbrush with toothpaste. Got it and then brushed her teeth for a long long time.

Now realize that there are two ways of looking at this: one - oh she's such a good baby. Yes, I've considered that.   And two- we're such failures as parents relying on tv shows of science boys to teach our baby the right things! :)
For now, thank you science boy!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Here's Something for Your Next Ice cream

We came to this McDonalds' and Miss Haana had been requesting for "Eat ice cream?" over and over again. We came and sat down on one of the tables. There was a lady having her breakfast on the table next to ours'. Miss Haana immediately starting telling her who her mom and dad were and that she should try the ice creme because "Ice creame good" and "Ice creame cold"! Then she starting introducing Mumma to her new found friend and called her "Aunty"!

The lady thought her cute. Especially the little girl calling her Aunty. When she got up to leave, she took some cash and gave it to the Miss Haana for her next ice cream. I resisted initially but when I saw her intentions were driven from love, I didn't have it in me to decline.

In north India, in my family, when you go and visit family, it's customary to give some cash/gift to new brides or little children. But this gesture from a complete stranger just blew me away!