Friday, November 22, 2013

Evils of Procrastination

Life's lesson# 89 (would've been an earlier lesson if I had remembered to take note of it earlier!): Evils of Procrastination.

I haven't written about the little girl in awhile ( I have excuses - genuine ones - we were travelling and took turns falling sick while  travelling) and as I turned to write, I saw this entry I was meaning to write some time back, but didn't. Probably hoping to finish later. Only problem is- I don't remember what it was I was just about to say:

"Little Haana has been sick lately. Virus with cough and cold. But even then..."

Maybe I should take to suspense or sequel writing. But mostly refer to life's lesson# 89. And I hope I remember what the Girl was up to!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Jyoti Auntie

Even though Miss Haana is revelling in the love and attention showered by grand parents on both sides, and uncles and aunts and brother; let it be known that she has not forgotten and still misses her 'Jyoti Auntie' who moved to Indiana and who used to watch her at her home till July this year. In the last couple of days, she's asked Mumma let's go meet Jyoti Auntie several, several times. :)
I'm sure Jyoti Auntie will have a hard time falling asleep once she reads this - being way too happy to sleep!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Are You Okay

Here's the part when, I as a mom can take credit for all the good things my little baby does and gloat in the inside.

With that fore-warning, let's begin:

Today we went for a walk in the park in the morning. The weather was beautiful with a slight nip in the air. The little girl was running around in the grass. I spotted a gazebo in the park and we gravitated towards it. The gazebo had three stairs leading up to it, and soon the little girl games comprised of climbing up and down the stairs. 

And then the inevitable happened. She missed a step, fell down on the ground and landed on her back. I rushed to check on her, concerned and a little freaked out. But soon in a second or so, she was okay. In fact she probably was not so sure if I'm doing okay, so the little baby asked Mumma, "Are you okay Mumma? Are you okay?" She then proceeded to climb up and down the stairs again.

I was proud of the little girl being brave- recovering and bouncing back so quickly! And yes, I'll claim some credit for it :)