Saturday, April 12, 2014

Easter Egg Hunt

Thanks to a dear friend of mine, we had the agenda to go Easter egg hunting and attend the pancake festival in a nearby town this perfect springy Saturday morning. I had mentioned the words "pancake" and "breakfast" in a sentence together to Miss Haana and she was super excited! Indeed she has read the story of curious George, the good little monkey helping make the pancake festival in their town a huge roaring success. So there was no way we were going to miss our very own, real-time pancake festival! From Friday night, the wait was on.

On Saturday morning, the clock was ticking. We got to the festival and headed straight for the pancakes first! All you can eat pancakes! All of us ate to our hearts and stomachs' content. Once stocked up on breakfast we proceeded to enjoy the festival.
Petted the petting zoo animals, got on the fire tucks, got a kitty cat in face painting, played with bubbles. Until finally, it was time for the Easter egg hunt.

There were different fields for different age groups and we were in line for the 2-3 year's field. We stood at the starting line and out there at a distance was a field full of colorful Easter eggs. Each kid was accompanied with one adult parent. It was our very first Easter egg hunt. I tutored the little girl on what to do- run to the field and grab as many eggs as you can and fill your basket.

Once the fire engine horn blared, all the kids were off. I couldn't believe the speed with which the swarm of parents with kids in tow got to the eggs. Miss Haana and I ran, but hit a momentary snag with a shoe coming off. Once that was fixed, we continued running. But by the time we would reach the area with eggs, they were being wiped out by zealous parents and kids! I looked at our basket. It was empty! I looked around- the eggs were going fast. Something needed to be done. 

I ran ahead looking for eggs. I locked my eyes on one just a couple steps ahead. I flew over a couple kids reaching into an egg to grab on to the one I had eyed just ahead. Just then, from the corner of my eye, I saw a little kid reach out for the same egg. Only, I was faster. I snatched the egg just as the little kid reached close enough. The parents of the kid in tow, were already consolidatory - "Oww, it's ok! We'll find another one." Sure! This one is going in our basket! And we landed our first egg. We got another one a few minutes later. But as we were running for more, I turned around and saw Miss Haana had dropped both of them while running to grab other eggs. Of course those eggs were grabbed before they even hit the ground. The swarm of parents and kids were now to the far end of the field grabbing the few remaining eggs. 

A volunteer came by us, with a huge basket full of eggs and filled ours' with as many eggs as our little pink basket would  hold. We were victorious afterall! 

Miss Haana guarded her egg basket with her life from that point on until, well, right before calling it a day and hitting the bed. I met up with my friend at the park and we laughed about the new depths I have recently sunk into - grabbing an Easter egg from another kid! It's a slippery slope from here, I realize! 

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