Tuesday, July 29, 2014


There are manufacturers on this planet and in business that make products exclusively catered to toddlers. You need to have a toddler at home to figure that is not necessarily a benign statement: exclusively for toddlers translates into - possibly headache inducing toys for  parents :(

We have one such "toy". 

It's a small seemingly friendly toy- a small handle with two small wheels on a little dial that pops little colorful balls as you walk the toy along the floor. Only, as the balls pop- they make a big noise. It is expertly designed and impeccably crafted plastic of uncanny irritation-inducing capacities. And no matter how much you may try to ignore it, while that toy is being walked with, it's a bane of my existence.

Miss Haana here, insists the toy is a vacuum cleaner. She diligently picks things up to clean underneath. She goes over high traffic areas with her "vacuum" over and over again to make sure the job is done right. She opens closed doors, cleans behind them and closes them back again. It is her vacuum.

And the whole time I can't resist but grin at her diligence. And also can't help shaking my head- I wish her enthusiasm for vacuum cleaners lives long enough for her to actually use one all by herself!! That will be a "vacuum jackpot" for me!! But something tells me I shouldn't hold my breath for that one !

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