Sunday, April 17, 2016


Yesterday I got caught in a rapid fire riddles' contest. Little Miss Haana told me that to make my brain sharp I must solve some riddles. I thought I was doing pretty well on the easy and medium ones (What grows to be a plant? What's big and has 4 legs and eats grass and says moo? What's blue and has clouds? What's red or pink and smells good? What's big and green and brown and doesn't move? What's big and has 4 wheels and does move? What goes from flower to flower and make honey?). I felt pretty good about myself till the little girl threw at me this "hard" one:

What's big and brown, and doesn't eat, and doesn't have a face and doesn't have a tummy and doesn't talk and doesn't eat and doesn't drink and is very big, and doesn't grow and doesn't change colors and doesn't talk and doesn't have hands and doesn't have legs, and is verryyy dangerous?

I made a few lame attempts but was baffled! 

Answers to the previous easy/moderate ones: seed, cow, sky, flower, tree.
Answer to the hard one: a stick!

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