Saturday, July 15, 2017

Ok Bye

This morning when i was waking up my sleepy baby, she smiled at me and with her eyes still closed, said "Ok, bye!"

I said, "Bye? Not bye, it's time for hi! Wake up!"

She turned to me and said,  "No, not to you. I was dreaming and talking to Mac on the phone".
She explained to me then, Mac is a teenager. He's 13. And he called to ask my little girl Haana if she'll be his best friend!
Then she told me there was also Zach. He was 12 and he wanted to be her good friend too!

My 5 year old is dreaming that teenaged boys are calling her asking to be their best friend?! This can't be happening! I had to interject my twisted flavor of reality, though. So, i said to little Miss Haana, "Well, did you tell him that your best friend is Mumma? Right? Gugu's best friend is mumma, right?!". She didn't completely disagree with me and haltingly nodded in agreement. Later, she said, the latest friend is also the best friend. I fussed that was not as per our rules and she relented with a "Ok, fiiiine!".

Friday, July 7, 2017

Graduation Preschool

Last month there was a big day for little Miss Haana and us. The Montessori school had ordered and sent blue graduation gowns and caps to wear on the big day. Little Miss Haana could hardly wait.

Incidentally my parents came from India to visit us for the summer. So, on the big day, we all, grand parents and parents and Miss Haana made our way to the school in the evening for Miss Haana's preschool graduation day.

The kids were ushered to their classrooms as we waited in anticipation on tiny chairs for the ceremony to begin. The school had made a short video to celebrate each child and their time at the Montessori. We caught a glimpse of little Miss Haana sharing a delicious joke with her friend at the playground and both of them giggling. The kids were asked how old they think their mom and dad were, and most of them were replying that their parents were really old! Miss Haana nailed it when asked how old her dad was. She said her mom was 8 years old, which is exactly the right answer too!

Then, finally their class was called out. All the kids of Primary D, dressed in blue graduation gowns and caps came out in a line. I saw this little baby in the middle. The class sang some songs and then, were given their graduation certificates one by one. I woohoo-ed! We were reminded this is the first of several graduations to come for these kids, and that several of these kids will go on to prestigious schools when they grow up, some on scholarships. All that is too far in the future for me, I was smitten by the present.

Soon, it was picture time, and we took selfies with little miss graduate Haana. Pictures with friends, pictures with teachers.  Pictures with parents and grandparents. And then with the evening drawing to a close, we headed to Miss Haana's favorite eatery for dinner- the one that serves no vegetables, but I'm not saying anything today!

Thursday, July 6, 2017

This Is My Land

This is what Miss Haana sang to me at home:

This land is my land,
This land is your land
From California to the New York island.
The endless skyway
The golden valley
This land was made for you and me.

This land is my land,
This land is your land,
I saw above me the endless skyway
I saw below me the golden valley,
This land was made for you and me.

Singing credits: Miss Haana 😊