Sunday, April 1, 2018

Easter Egg Rewards

Easter egg hunt is a serious affair at our house. Mostly for me. Remember a few years back the egg hunt had not been all that smooth? Read about it here and here. Luckily in those egg hunts the organizers had folks doling out eggs to kids who's baskets were empty, to ensure all kids leave happy -a very smart move indeed! We were saved by doled out eggs. I realized hence forth, I shall need to take such important affairs into my own hands-to ensure adequate amount of pressure has been created and that little Miss Haana has been sufficiently psyched up for such events! Certainly parenting at its best!

So, couple days before the egg hunt, in perfect parenting mode, i reminded Miss Haana what the Easter egg hunt is all about - fill the basket with many eggs as she can! Rrruunnn, jump over the hurdles (we all know who they are!), grab the eggs, secure them in the basket and runnnn again!! I repeated for good measure. She was with me!

The day of the hunt came, and little Miss Haana and I placed ourselves on the white line in the field, looking out at the field full of colorful, candy filled eggs, waiting for the hunt to begin. At 5 minutes before the hunt, little Miss Haana needed a bathroom break. I could barely believe it! But then, we turned around and ran towards the restrooms. I thought that was the end of our egg hunt. They'll probably start while we are in the restroom, and all the eggs will be gone in seconds. 'Oh well', i thought to myself. But miraculously we returned just in time, seconds before the count down for the egg hunt. Little Miss Haana's buddy Maurya joined us too.

The hunt began and all the kids were running around grabbing eggs. I followed Miss Haana with my gaze and laughed at how incredibly cute and hilarious these kids looked. Maurya's mom and I laughed enjoying ourselves in the spring sunshine. The egg hunt was a success afterall, both kids returned victorious with numerous eggs. They both sat on the grass, opening their prized eggs, fishing for candy from inside. I made a mental note to make the candy suspiciously disappear once we get home. For now, Miss Haana and Maurya ran around in the sun, there was jumping  at the bounce houses, more running around, more candy eating, ice cream, and the world's tiniest donuts (for which we were in line for a good 30 minutes). Finally, it was time to head home. All with a basket full of eggs; a sign of a very successful and rewarding egg hunt 😊. Happy Easter everyone😊.

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