Sunday, May 24, 2020

2 Months

Little Bobby boy turned 2 months old yesterday! And with it, he got his 2 month vaccines at the doctors' check up.

This 2 month old baby is now cooing at his favorite toys, the blue elephant, the lion, set of silver bells and the purple monkey. His smile is so unbearably cute ,it can melt any heart, and flood it with love. His cheeks are puffs of cotton candy, just too puffy and sweet to resist. When he's happy his legs are out air cycling, fast and furious. I figured he's cycling to Africa to see more lions and elephants and monkeys for himself. Although he might be headed to the zoo too. His hands are also boxing around, flooring imaginary foes and beating them to a pulp. Sometimes though, he doesn't aim right and ends up bumping his fist to his own forehead! Anyone who sees that sweet smile, that little curl of the lip cannot really remain a foe. When he sleeps he's the picture of sweet serenity. His 5 little toes on each feet line up together in a neat file. His fingers are quite often curled up together into a tight fists. And his legs are pushing up, ready to go places! Sometimes when he's not completely happy, he knits his eyebrows, they get all crumpled up above his eyes. I resolve the situation with a strategy guaranteed to get quick results; i straighten out those brows with my fingers :)!

Little miss Haana still considers little Bobby boy an oversized doll, part of her private collection. She loves him and cuddles, kisses and hugs him every chance she gets. She even roughs him up routinely. Bobby boy handles it pretty well, most of the time with the resilience of a younger brother! 

Little Bobby boy's favorite times of the day are either when mom is giving him a massage all over; and also when Papa sits next to him and plays with him! 

Much like the little boy's first month birthday, I made a chocolate cake; we sang him his birthday song and pretended he cut the cake. And then we ate it up!

Happy 2 month birthday little Bobby boy!!

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