Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Journal Jar - Proudest Mom Moment

There are aplenty proud moments as a mom. When little miss Haana comes up with creative ideas to implement, how she conducts herself, how she's friendly, open and loving to others, how she may lie to me sometimes when but i ask her if she's lying she says yes, how she's independent, she's so loving and compassionate, so caring, so loving. And then there is the 7 month old Bobby boy. Already scuttling about quietly and quickly from place to place. Always pulling up and standing holding whatever he can get, already holding and picking things with his fingers and thumb - even tiny things like a green pea, already holding 2 toys - One in each hand together, always climbing up always exploring! There is so much to be proud of. He tracks little miss Haana, watches her whenever she's around. 

Once when Bobby fell of from the bed and was crying, little miss Haana was crying too. She was so upset and scared if Bobby got hurt. Wondering if he'll be ok. 

He doesn't complain when she squeezes his cheeks or "pats" his bottom or gets into his face to kiss him. She does complain when he tries to eat a book she's reading. Their bond of siblings 8 years apart, is so sweet and full of love. I think that's my proudest mom moment, even though it is not really just a moment. And saying i'm proud seems to imply i take credit for it. I feel their bond speaks of who each of them is. Wonderful, amazing, full of love. 

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