Thursday, April 8, 2021

First Birthday

My little Bobby boy is all of one year old! Little miss Haana and I have been calling him "half a thing" all this while, cause we had decided only after he turns 1 year old does he become a full thing in his own right (regardless of the fact that he's been his own thing right since the moment he was born). And now that he's turned one, we have to concede. He's this one full thing now. One full thing. 

For his birthday, little miss Haana had plans. She is on
ly the best sister in the world! She decided we had to bake a 3 tiered cake. I had turned down the idea several times before but apparently it was still a go (Raj had gotten cake pans of different sizes). I had decided on the menu for the big day - everything little Bobby boy likes to eat - chocolate pancake, cheese crepe (dosa), carrots, grilled chicken for dinner and of course cake, lots of home baked chocolate cake! 

Little miss Haana tried to get out of school for Bobby's birthday,  but alas that didn't work. I had taken the day off to spend with Bobby boy. 

After a breakfast of chocolate pancake, Bobby and I met with their Godfather Keith at the park. It was beautiful sunny day, and we had ourselves some cake at the park. Bobby tried to feed the rest of the cake to the grass, but somehow i rescued it. He waved to the geese at the pond and rode on Keith's shoulders pretending to fly like a duck. We hung out in the park for sometime and headed back home later.

Back at home, Bobby boy was put for his nap. As soon as little miss Haana's school got over, we got to work. There were eggs to be beaten, ovens to be preheated, cake pans to be lined, and cakes to be baked. There was work to be done. And all before the boy wakes up. Somehow little miss Haana and I got through it without even breaking into a fight once. Soon, 3 cake pans with perfect looking chocolate cakes made it out of the oven. Meanwhile Bobby's Krithi aunty texted that she'll stop by in the evening. So we decided we will wait for her before the cake cutting. 

As always Raj had gotten surprise gifts for Bobby boy on his birthday. One of them being new clothes - smart shirt and pants with suspenders, complete with a bow tie! Bobby boy was changed to his new birthday attire (not birthday suit after all!). Krithi aunty, Karthik uncle and Varam stopped by. And we all huddled for cake cutting. A 3 tiered cake, decorated with whipped creme toppings and with exactly 1 candle on the topmost tier. Just like the best sister little miss Haana had planned!

It was a fun evening with more gifts, toys and clothes! Bobby boy and little miss Haana- two most special babies ever!

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