Sunday, October 24, 2021

Pumpkin Patch

Is been amazing weather lately. Thinking it would be a shame to waste it, I decided we should be spending our Saturday morning in the nearby pumpkin patch. It was to be little Bobby boy's first pumpkin patch visit! He was unawares, but I was excited about it!

I packed some breakfast for us to eat along the way. We picked up coffee on the way. And pumpkin patch, here we come. It was warm and sunny with cool wind. Beautiful weather. It was a small pumpkin patch with hay stacks all around and pumpkins of all shapes and sizes on 2x4s next to hay attacks. Scarecrows peeped in from corners. In the middle there were more hay stacks and a wind mill. At some corners there were cartons with smaller baby pumpkins. 

Little miss Haana got to work immediately. Scouting for the perfect pumpkins to take home. I parked myself on the hay stacks in the center next to the wind mill, and curated the pumpkins she was selecting. Little Bobby boy had pants and socks on,  but no shoes. He didn't mind it. He was on the prowl like his big sister. He was finding pumpkins half his own size and was trying his best to lift them up. Soon he found the stack of smaller baby pumpkins. He could handle those no problem. First we were just stacking the pumpkins we wanted to take, in a corner. But later little miss Haana got us a cart where pumpkins - the orange vegetable or the mobile, pesky ones - can be parked into. Bobby kept finding baby pumpkins and filling the cart up with them. He was on a mission, and he was busy at it. 

Soon little miss Haana spotted some kids with face painting and found out a corner where face painting was in progress. We went to get her some. I guess she got a fairy face paint. We played and hung around some more. It was a beautiful beautiful day. 
Our pumpkin patch adventure ended and soon it was time to head back. But not without several pumpkins loaded up in the trunk. The pumpkin patch was coming home with us!

The Cow Says..

Many popular toddler books introduce farm animals. And then they inform what the farm animal looks like, and what it says. I would argue that in reality the sound a sheep makes is hardly what we hear in the "Ba Ba Black Sheep" sing-along. Frogs don't exactly speak "Croak" or "Ribbit". Birds don't exactly talk "Tweet". 

I had been reminding Bobby boy the cow says "Mooo" for some time and it hasn't been sticking. So recently I thought I'll shake things up a bit and told him the cow says "Meee". He thought that sounded more funny and smiled. Soon he's been repeating after me "Meeee" and we both laugh after. I figured the sounds are only loosely based on reality so I can exercise some creative freedom here. 🤣
Once we get to a real farm Bobby boy will figure out for himself what the animals say. But for now the cow says "Me! Me!".

Sunday, October 10, 2021


Oh no! We have corrupted the little boy! 

Bobby boy likes to play. All through the day he plays with his babysitter Preethi. In the evening he wants to play with Mumma and Papa and little miss Haana. But sometimes they all are busy, doing their own thing. They are cooking in the kitchen,  finishing their homework or doing art work etc. No one is playing with him! This makes little Bobby boy unhappy🙁.  He fussed. He tries to find new places to rummage. Sometimes he slinks away unseen to Mumma's office table and finds treasure in her drawer, or into the bathroom drawers and tries to taste the lip balm. 

So one day, we put Coco Melon on TV. Initially Bobby boy didn't care much for it. In stead, little girl Haana was hooked on to it! 😄. For Bobby boy, it was just something colorful in the background. 

But then yesterday something new happened. Bobby boy decided no one needs to play with him. He sat up on the couch and asked Papa for remote "Mo(te)? Mo(te)?". And when Papa got him the remote, he offered it back to Papa and asked for "CoCo?! CoCo?".

Papa laughed when he got Bobby boy was asking for Coco Melon! And Mumma laughed something about corrupting the boy!!

Friday, October 1, 2021

Bad Boy

Little Bobby boy has been told not to throw things. It can be dangerous. He's been told not to throw food. A rule he thinks is at his discretion to observe or not. 

The other day the little boy was done eating but still had some good on his high chair. Rest of us were not done with our dinner, so no one was getting him off his high chair. The boy was fidgety. He took a morsel of food, twisted sideways and threw it down with purpose. Then he peered down to see if it landed where he aimed it at. Papa was sitting next to him on the counter, he saw the deed but was not impressed. Before he could say anything Bobby boy removed the entire tray and threw it down too, with all its contents. Pieces of food travelled far and wide. "Bobby!!", I screamed, "No throwing! Look what you did!". The boy quickly switched to pensive mood. I knew by now pensive mood means nothing really, he'll still be up to the same things he would've, except now he'll look like he's really considering alternate options, except no alternates are being seemed quite right. 

But now he had 2 pairs of eyes glaring at him! He looked down pensive. Then looked up at us, and gave us his toothy smile to melt us. The 2 glowering pair of eyes met and couldn't help laughing!

Bad boy Bobby!