Sunday, October 24, 2021

The Cow Says..

Many popular toddler books introduce farm animals. And then they inform what the farm animal looks like, and what it says. I would argue that in reality the sound a sheep makes is hardly what we hear in the "Ba Ba Black Sheep" sing-along. Frogs don't exactly speak "Croak" or "Ribbit". Birds don't exactly talk "Tweet". 

I had been reminding Bobby boy the cow says "Mooo" for some time and it hasn't been sticking. So recently I thought I'll shake things up a bit and told him the cow says "Meee". He thought that sounded more funny and smiled. Soon he's been repeating after me "Meeee" and we both laugh after. I figured the sounds are only loosely based on reality so I can exercise some creative freedom here. 🤣
Once we get to a real farm Bobby boy will figure out for himself what the animals say. But for now the cow says "Me! Me!".

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