It was a mostly uneventful short plane ride, Bobby boy was mostly content. On the drive over, he was nodding off to sleep. Then, suddenly in a distance, in addition to the mountains on the horizon, now we could see some white! How odd it looked. We were excited to get there. I'd made sandwiches for us all, so we were more than happy to skip lunch just to get there faster.
Soon we were there. Soft velvetty white sand everywhere. It looked hardly real. We had bought sleds from the visitor center. At the first chance we got, we were climbing the dunes with a sled in hand. Little Bobby boy was a bit hesitant about walking on the sand. 'How odd this thing is', he thought. 'It's cushy like the bed but even more so. I'm not sure I trust it. Don't leave me, Papa! Hold me Papa! Hold me more! No, leave me now! I want to go, leave me already, Papa! I want to try it again. It's still odd, but look muma is slinking in it too! Hmm.. A little bit funny now! Look at me sliding on my butt now!! Haha! ' - thought Bobby.
Little miss Haana was already ahead of us, trying to slide down a dune, then deciding this one was no good. Then heading to another. Soon she found a good dune and slid down it in giggles. I couldn't wait!
I slid down after little miss Haana, and we were both giggles. Couldn't wait to get Bobba on it too. I held his hand as we somehow hobbled to the top of the dune. Made Bobba sit on the sled with me, but it wouldn't go! Soon Bobby boy wasn't having it anymore. He didn't want this sled business at all. He got off and went about exploring the dunes on his own little legs!
After some time more exploring, sledding, sliding and, in case of little miss Haana, rolling around in the sand, we set off to the Alkali trail in the park. This was the long trail in the park with sand dunes as far as eye can see, and mountains on the horizon. After some more sledding and rolling in the sand in the sand dunes next to the parking lot, we set off walking in the dunes. First little miss Haana, and then I, took off our shoes and walked bare foot in the soft velvetty white sand. Little Bobby boy walked with his favorite person, Papa. Little girl and I strolled through the dunes until we found a huge dune, with a steep drop down. We decided we should slide down here. Little Haana went first and slid half way and rolled around the rest of the way. I decided I'm not sliding down after all.. i was thinking ahead, the climb up was going to be gut-busting! As I sat down on top of the dune, little Bobby boy came and starting butt-sliding down the steep dune! We laughed. But then I thought how is Bobba going to get back up! Soon I was butt-sliding down the dune too.. Papa slid down on a sled.
Once all of us were down, Bobby boy continued on his mission of self guided exploration. Little miss Haana and I held races to see who can climb up and then slide down the fastest. Somewhere in this competitive spirit I yelled to her "I'm going to bite your butt!".. I may have been behind at that time, racing to get ahead. Turns out the judge/umpire was biased and declared Haana won! I think I totally beat her going up. :-D
Soon it was time for the park to close and we started walking back. But as soon as the sun set, something amazing happened. The sky turned from cool blue to pink. The mountains on the horizon moved to a shade to purple and the white sands that was glistening like someone dumped shiny silver glitter into it, now seemed even more magical white with fairy dust in it!!
White sands were beautiful! And both Bobby boy and Haana girl explored it in their own special way.
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