But then lately, his hair was getting longer too. We had started making a bun for him in the morning. And I have to say, it was the most good looking man bun ever! Sometimes I used to put a white bow clip on his hair, little miss Haana's of course! Sometimes people would refer to him as a 'her', no doubt because of the bow. But I don't care.. when little miss Haana was a baby, she didn't have much hair for a long time. Even though she would be dressed from head to toe in pink, some odd person would ask me, "What is his name?"!
I had been thinking I need to find a place where we can take Bobby for his first hair cut. But I was making no progress on it. It's hard to guess how things might go in a new place. One day, a couple weekends back, Rajesh took out his clippers and decided he's just going to do it today. Little Bobby boy was placed on his high chair and dressed in a plastic robe. Favorite thing Coco Melon was tuned in on the TV. And then, the clippers were put to work. Bobby boy didn't mind at all. Soon, a bigger looking boy emerged, with short short hair. And all the curls were gone. I looked at them with some sadness. I hope they come back, all in their curly springy wild wonder! I remember Softy mausi said she had curly hair when she was very young, but they're all straight and smooth now. I hope Bobby boy's hair don't give up on their craziness! I liked them! A lot!
I saved one springy curl from the aftermath of the haircut. I saved it in a small zip lock bag just for me. My sweet Bobby boy's first hair cut.
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