Friday, April 1, 2022

April Fools Day

I had a feeling something is brewing late yesterday evening. Little miss Haana told me I had no idea what's in store for me tomorrow. "Tomorrow is a Friday, what else?", I wondered aloud. She gave an ominous laugh. Later she was making some lists and whispering urgently into Nana's ears. 'How suspicious', I thought. 'What is it tomorrow?'.

This morning has been so strange! First, my usual alarms didn't go off early this morning. (I keep 3 different alarms in quick succession, and still sometimes manage to sleep through haha!). Luckily I had to answer another call, I had to use the bathroom. I would've been surprised not to find my toothbrush anywhere, but late last night Nana had told me my toothbrush is hidden behind the air fryer in the kitchen... in a tall jar of water! Things were about to get stranger still. 

I went to the study to keep my personal laptop back and found something looks missing.. My work laptop was gone from the table. And with it, the charger too! I looked in all the cabinets and drawers and found random things relocated in random places, but no sign of my laptop or charger! 

Prepping breakfast, I found a bowl of cereal in the freezer! Frozen fruit loops? I don't think so! Also, they had something in there.. pepper! Pepper in frozen fruit loops! What in the world is going on! 

While I was discovering these strange things I had a trick up my sleeve too! I shook up little miss Haana awake with my usual "Wake up sweet baby, it's 7 o'clock. It is time for school". She demanded to see the time, but I distracted her, telling her I'll show her the time when she brushes, gets ready and come for breakfast. In fact it was only 645am. For reference - in the race to get to the school on time every morning, 15 minutes is an eternity! When she was having her milk and enjoying my surprise at pepper in fruit loops, I asked her, "Did you like my April fools surprise?". She asked "What?", innocently. I showed her the time, it was barely 7 then. She wasn't super impressed, but I revelled in my limited success, before trying to goad out my chargers' location!!

As she was leaving for school this morning, she warned there were more tricks up her sleeve today! I wondered what else is in store for me. Just as she left with Dad, my phone alarm finally rang. "YOU'VE BEEN PRANKED", my phone screen yelled! No kidding!!

Later I found this note on her table...

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