Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Role Model

These days I would be talking, or eating or busy looking something up on the laptop and I would notice this little girl would be intently watching me. Almost unblinkingly.

I know babies are avid watchers, they learn social skills and interactions by being face watchers. Social skills is something they continue to pick up, until much later into the childhood years. That's why over use of technology such as texting or Internet chat is bad for kids, cause it doesn't allow for good social face-to-face interactions.

But the way the little girl watches me, I just hope I'm doing everything right and not being a role model of what not to do.


  1. I'm not looking forward to the day Daniel begins to mirror my own worst habits back to me. Well, I'm not perfect...he'll discover that soon enough. But knowing those little eyes are watching does add extra pressure/incentive to do the right things. They'll learn from our mistakes too though...

  2. Yes, and what's a bit unnerving is, the way she's watching me I don't know exactly what she's picking up. What that little brain of her's is really recording.
