Monday, March 19, 2012


This lady who used to work as a nanny /babysitter at another place was telling me about how well the baby (at her previous work place) used to eat. It seems he used to finish 8 bottles of milk by mid morning. And used to eat a variety of foods quite enthusiastically. He was chubby, round and oh so cute!

All this talk about cute, cuddly, chubby babies planted a seed of doubt in my mind. Just last week Raj had asked me, should our little girl be bigger and/or rounder and/or chubbier? I had shrugged at that point, saying she's just fine. Most of the time people (close friends and family) don't necessarily know what they're asking for. And her doctor says she has been doing just fine. So, I had shrugged his concern saying she's just fine.

But as this lady was talking about all the bottles of milk and variety of foods that this other baby, who is actually younger than this little girl, is devouring; I have self doubts.. Should we be giving her a bunch of other things to eat too? So far she's been only on liquid diet. Should she be drinking more? Is she not getting enough fat in her diet?

But then I look at her and she seems just so perfect. It's one thing to be taking decisions for yourself and be sure you're doing the right thing. It's quite another to be responsible for this little peanut, and be sure that every decision is the best there is. I'm hoping the latter gets easier with practice.

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