Saturday, March 24, 2012

Tall Tales

After routinely not having much time for myself and weeks of trying to schedule time for a haircut - here I am. At my darling hairdressers' - friend of my hair for several years. At while I'm here I'm going to throw in a bonus highlight too!

Reminds me of an incident years ago. A friend of mine was telling me his daughter said she's thinking about getting lowlights done. I told him there's no such thing as lowlights (blame limited fashionista exposure at that time). He said 'No, there really is.' His daughter told him. I just laughed at him. Telling him his daughter is probably laughing at the amount of random stories she can make her dad believe. (he's used to my mean jokes, and he still talks to me!) It actually goes back to the kind of stuff I used to try to get my dad to believe. Such as: exasperated at how his slow driving, when they built a new expressway (tollway) in Delhi I tried to make him believe that the speed limit signs were for the minimum allowable speed.

I don't know how many stories Suhaana is going to come up with to blow smoke in my eyes. But I'm quite positive, in parenting, what goes around is what comes around. So I'm getting ready for some tall tales.

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