Friday, December 14, 2012

Sandy Hook

Just saw the news about shooting at Sandy Hook elementary school in Connecticut. 20 elementary grade kids were killed. And adults. Am horrified. Who would do such a despicable act? Who would want to hurt these elementary grade kids? For what purpose? What possible point would you want to make, what scores would you want to settle?

I'm even more distraught about the parents. Having Suhaana has given me some insight into parents in general. But I can't begin to imagine what the parents of the children are going through. And to think, an incident like this would provide them no closure, no justice, no hope.

I'm just sad. So, very sad. We think we're a progressive society- moving towards betterment in all aspects. And then an incident like this comes along, makes you question - just about everything. Now we're thinking about locks in school buildings, first response, reverse 911 calls et cetera. When what we really want is to go back to how we grew up, where the street we live on was our playground, we would know everyone in the neighborhood, we would run around and play outdoors, as prevalent on the neighborhood streets and parks as weeds. A time and world where there's no fear. We can't get there with guns or locks. Even though we probably can avert some tragedies with locks. But we can't get rid of that fear. Makes me feel like its lost- forever..

In some way, everyone has lost something today - not only the parents and families and the children directly affected at Sandy Hook.

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