Friday, December 28, 2012

The Tea Bag that was Not a Tea Bag

This happened last weekend.. and in retrospect it seems like one of those things just waiting to happen.

I was changing Suhaana's diaper while she was struggling to get out of my hands. (The downstairs' mobile diaper changing setup has been relocated to be on the floor for safety of the wiggly toddler.) Just as I was done cleaning her up and proceeded to get the new diaper, she got away from me. Turned around and ran away. Now this had turned into a catch-me-if-you-can game! I was intending to give her her bath, so thought that's just as well.
Just as I was going to catch this butt-naked naughty girl for her bath, Raj asked me something.. And I was responding, and got distracted.

Meanwhile this little girl proceeded to a far corner into what I presumed to be her usual games. A little later, I was still talking to Raj, when Suhaana walks towards the kitchen. I noticed that her legs are wet. Raj said there was some water on the floor from the dishwasher loading. I, the not so easily convinced, wanted to check for myself. I peeped to the far corner where Suhaana had been"playing"- and sure enough. There was a little lake there- too big to qualify as a puddle by any means. And then there was this little thing in it. From my vantage point, it looked like a used tea bag. I wondered where she got a tea bag from. But then, who knows? These days are full of surprises!

Both me n Raj moved in on Suhaana (this had once again become a catch me if you can game), and got her cleaned up. Then, when I got closer to evaluate the damage (luckily this was on the tile and not carpet), I realized the tea bag was no tea bag! Yes, it's exactly what you're thinking! I couldn't help but laugh and laugh and laugh for about 5 minutes!! It would be pretty gross if it weren't just so funny (especially given that in all my wishful thinking and naiveness I thought it was a tea bag )!!

Of course cleanup followed. Suhaana has to be restrained by Daddy, because she was both- ever so ready to help Mummy with cleanup and also because she was curious about this little brown "pebble"! Cleanup was gross.. But I still think it was so funny!

And yes, no more running around naked for you, little girl!

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