I have a confession to make.
Yesterday Suhaana and I were hanging out together. She was on my lap. I was on the dining room chair, and both of us were browsing around on the laptop. We were having fun talking together, and looking online at perspective dinnerware - Suhaana didn't approve of anything so my wallet is still safe.
All was going well till the little girl started to try to get on the table. This endeavor is not new for her, she does it everyday at the day care lady's place when I go to pick her up and the lady and I are chatting on the dining table and having tea together. Again and again I tried to dissuade her to climb on to the table. And again and again the determined girl was resolute in her attempts to get on to the table. A couple of times I tried to let her climb on (holding her for her safety), for her to naturally realize the futility of getting on to the table in the first place. It didn't work. She just wanted to get on to the table. And once she got on, she refused to budge. I was reduced to a safety net, though, because I had to hold on to her with both hands for fear of her falling and getting hurt.
Soon, I was exasperated, and wanted her down from the table and back in my lap. But tried as I did, she just wanted to be on the table. My patience was wearing thin. And finally, I was so irritated that I picked her up, in both my hands, and put her down on the floor, and told her that I'm done with all her stubbornness, this is where she gets to be, I'm done with her!
The little girl realized Mom was not joking. She got all serious when I finally put her down. She was looking down on the floor in serious contemplation when I was giving her a piece of my mind in irritation. And then.. when I was least expecting it, she looked up at me, smiled and said "I loee yoo". Like a gush of flood waters, I instantly felt so sorry for loosing my patience and getting irritated - giving her a piece of my mind when all she wanted was what all kids want - to play. I hugged and kissed her and said "I love you too baby!!".
Soon she was back in my lap and we were sitting on the dining chair together looking at perspective dinnerware..
Ahhh ... brought tears to my eyes :)