Monday, July 1, 2019

Dentist Office

Little miss Haana had been wanting to go to the dentist for a long time. It's somewhat counter intuitive too. But other kids in her class had been to the dentist. Worse - even kindergarten kids she knew at her school had been to a dentist. But not her. And she is in 1st grade!

Since this was on the to-do list for us, Dad got a dentist appointment. She was to be picked up early from school one day, to go to the dentist appointment. To say she was excited was an understatement! Everyone in her class probably knew about it!

Finally the big day arrived! Dad was going to pick up little miss Haana early from school. This was of course an added benefit too! I wanted to be a part of this grand spectacle of the first ever dentist visit! So I scheduled to meet them up at the dentist office.

When I arrived, dad and little miss hanna was already inside in the dentist office with the nurse. She was sitting on this dentist chair holding a purple teddy bear, a gift she had just gotten! Along with a new toothbrush in a fancy bag. For the nurse and the doctor to look inside her mouth, they reclined her down, gave her cute sunglasses, and turned on a movie on the tv hanging upside down from the ceiling! She slid back on her chair and began watching the movie and laughing in parts! There are no movies for me to watch at my dentist, I grumbled!

They checked out her teeth and gums and gave her a B+ for her teeth health and cleaning. Once we were done, little miss Haana and I posed in front of the photo booth, also at the dentist office, to commemorate our landmark visit to the dentist!!

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