Friday, April 24, 2020

The Five Stages of Doom

With some examination, little miss Haana and I have come up with the following stages of crying with the little Bobby boy.

Stage 1: Bobby looks a little restless. Stops whatever he was doing, turns his head this way and that with a scowl but no crying yet. He sounds like he's gasping for breath.

If parents' alarm bells have not starting ringing yet, they should.

Stage 2: Soon after stage 1, comes the initial crying stage. The scowl has gotten deeper and now had some initial sound effects. It's still sounding like restlessness and not really full on crying yet, but things are changing fast.

Stage 3: Ever heard peacocks calling out? That's what little Bobby boy sounds like in stage 3, preceeded with a distinctive "La" sound. It sound like a long "Laaa" that sounds like peacocks are calling from the forest.

The little boy is obviously not happy, but he hasn't given up hope or confidence in his parents' ability to do things right by him. So even though he sounds somewhat restless, he's not mad just yet. All that could change very quickly.

Stage 4: Things have quickly degraded now. The little Bobby boy had given the benefit of doubt but has had it by now. He is mad. This calls for some full throttle crying: eyes shut tight, mouth wide open -as wide as it can go,  giving full view of the tonsils and potentially the stomach's contents too, face - a beat root red, entire body  a beet root red, hands tightly wound into fists. Screaming bloody murder now.

Things are not looking good for the Parents!

Stage 5: This is stage 4 with white hot intensity. He's screaming in such earnest that he's either losing his voice or he's gone super sonic. Most likely the later. So its the same effects as stage 4, except the mouth wide open now with no sound. (If you think stage 5 is better in any way than stage 4 because you don't hear him scream, it is not!).

Parents - you've failed in parenting -little Bobby boy says it all with his super sonic crying.

Number of times we've been to stage 5: too many to count! :-(

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