Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Boppy Pillow

For those who don't know, a boppy pillow is a semi circular shaped (moon shaped) pillow used for nursing. I've had one since little miss Haana was born. It has a flowery pink pillow case. Now, it's little Bobby boy's turn to lay on it. However, the pillow has not always been this popular. 

Little miss Haana refused to nurse quite early on, and so the pillow was rarely used by her. Now that the big sister sees the boy lay on the pillow quite a bit, a new found love for the pillow has been discovered. Quite often, when the boy is fixing to turn in for the night, he lays there on the pink boppy pillow and starts falling asleep on my lap. Along comes little miss Haana, and lays down next to us on the bed with her head on the boppy. 

Boppy, who's spent much of its last 8 and a half years lying in some corner ignored or suffocating in the closet, has never felt so popular, amidst not one but both the babies.

Both Boppy and I couldn't be happier! :)

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