I've been lucky to be able to breastfeed the boy. Last time with little miss Haana, breastfeeding had some bumps along the road. And because of that I had to exclusively pump. Expressing milk is a lot of time and effort (tons of bottle washing multiple times a day, sanitizing the bottle and breast pump parts, spending beaucoup time expressing milk, saving milk, warming milk, freezing milk, carrying breast pump everywhere; the list goes on). Expressing milk also needs a lot of help.. the baby still needs to be fed and taken care of, watched and talked to, while I am expressing milk for the next feeding. Luckily there was a lot of help when miss Haana was little. She had a nanny and we had grand parents visiting. All of this pumping had plenty of up side too. Little miss Haana was able to get breast milk for her entire first year. And that's certainly worth all of that effort.
This time though, armed with experience, and much to be thankful for, things have been much smoother.. 🤞
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