Little miss Haana and I agree on this. I had just finished my breakfast and Bobby boy had just fallen asleep that the sudden sound of rain surprised me. I opened the front door and it was raining hard. Wonderful, wonderful summer rain. Resplendent with the fragrance of wet earth and of fresh green-ness. Pitter pattering rain drops in the front yard and park.
Little miss Haana wanted to check whether she gets wet if she runs up to the front gate and back. Somewhat wet but not soaking. Would she get wet if she did it again? Somewhat. And again? And again and again and again? I had to get in on the experiment too. So, both of us together. But once was not enough. Except, this time we didn't head back indoors.
Eddies and streams on every sidewalk. And puddles on every bend. We were both bare foot, feeling the sidewalk rivers to check which ones were warmer. One of us was jumping on the puddles, the crazy one! I was peering at the puddles checking if the bottom is muddy or just dark. Drenched now, the both of us. Holding hands in the pattering rain. Going farther in the neighbourhood. Still barefoot. But i'm cold, i told little miss Haana. 'You'll get used to it and then you'll adapt!', she told me and pulled me on. Deeper puddles were cooler, but I liked the eddies by the sidewalk the best, with warm water running to meet us. We headed towards the lake, it looked like a sheet of silver with pattering raindrops on it. "It looks so blue, and look, almost silver over there at a distance. Like an ombre", little miss Haana says. I had to ask her what am ombre means, and then I complained about her knowing words that I don't know! (She's been finishing one book every 2 days lately). "People must think we are crazy", one of us said. "But who cares!! This is so fun!", says miss Haana. It's in moments such as these I get the warm golden feeling, some part of this parenting thing is going well! Do what makes you feel truly happy inside. Not because its cool. Not because it fits in the plan. Not because.. Just because. Its what makes life worth living. Its what makes life full of living. The rest, all of the rest, is just stuff...
We find ourselves a deep puddle by our garage lane, and proceeded to practice our ninja warrior moves of a water bender/air bender/taikwando black belt with lots of sound and action, turning and splashing (mostly from little miss Haana). We came up with our secret water-bender hand shake, although it took some convincing on my part for her to agree!
Soon the rain was almost over and it was time to head back indoors. Completely soaking now! Raj had thoughtfully put out towels and bath robes for the both of us by the back door. A morning well spent. The little Bobby boy, who slept through it, was just waking up now. I promised him we'll take him along next time! :)