Saturday, July 25, 2020

Discovery Saturday

We had ourselves an adventure this morning. But begin from the beginning..

Little Bobby boy was making noises that woke me up. It was 620am. Those noises are his way of saying i'm awake now. I fed him and he fell right back to sleep. This is usual for him when he wakes up for his first feeding in the morning (all fun and games happen after he wakes up again). Little miss Haana had said the previous night she wanted to go on a bike ride with me. I was pleased. I had started riding my bike about a couple months back as a way for her and me to get out and get some workout in this covid season, together. But soon she elected to bike ride with her friends instead of me(:-/) and I had started going on bike rides by myself since. So, I was super pleased there's some resurging interest in riding with me! 

I woke up little miss Haana and we were soon off on our way, down the neighborhood onto the bike trail. We went for a good distance, through ups and downs watching white and grey egrets dot our paths. It was a good ride! As we headed back home, little miss Haana wanted to stop by her cousins', who stays just a block from us. I waved at them and started on my way home. A little distance away i saw what looked like a greenish-grey rock smack in the middle of the concrete street. When i got closer I realized, it was not a rock at all. It was a turtle. And it was moving! But what was a turtle doing in the middle of the street?! I decided I will get it some help. I biked back home and woke up Raj. "There's a turtle in the middle of the road, we need to get it to safety.". I really meant 'You need to get it to safety!'. I yanked the little Bobby boy from his sleepy abode and swiftly hurrried back outside with the boy in my arms. Soon Raj was out too. The turtle meanwhile had moved closer to a small grassy patch and was quite possibly cringing at my interest. 

We decided we will take the turtle to the grass near the lake. But not before a couple curious kids had seen it up close. We knocked on the cousins' and both little miss Haana and her cousin, 3, were wide eyed with excitement. Of course Haana wanted to hold the thing too. And check out where the turtle buried his head. And check out its flippers. It was Discovery saturday, up close and personal!

The entourage, now, headed towards the lake. The big spectacle of releasing the turtle. We decided we should release him close to the lake on the grass. When Raj released him, for a few seconds nothing happened. Had he died? We wondered. He had slipped out of Raj's hand while on our way when he scratched his hand with his flippers to get out. But we needn't have worried. In a few seconds, it realized it was by itself and ran, instinctively towards the lake. Only to topple over at the ledge before hitting the lake. The animal rescuer by weekend, Raj, helped the animal on its feet again. And this time the turtle quickly dived into the water without further ado. 

We waited for a minute to see if the small turtle head come out of the water. But perhaps the turtle didn't want more interaction with well meaning humans after all. And so we all headed back home. Discover show end. :)

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