Monday, July 13, 2020

The Ups and Downs

First the ups.

Little girl Haana got a red balloon from her dear cousin Varam's. We decided to play volleyball with it. Miss Haana and I took turns head bumping or foot kicking the balloon. Suddenly peals of laughter was heard. I had little Bobby boy in my arms and he was mighty amused with the balloon. I made him head bump the balloon again and again, and each time this little thing would break into a giggle! We laughed with him, moving round and round in the living room, me carrying the boy in my arms, head bumping or fist thumping the red balloon; and miss Haana jumping and ducking to salvage the balloon before it hits the floor. It was a fun game for everyone!

Later than evening after the boy woke up from his afternoon nap, little miss Haana and I gave the boy a performance of a lifetime. Late in the afternoon, when miss Haana was getting stir crazy at home, and it was still to hot to step out outsider yet, i suggested she show me some dance moves. She played the gonoodle app, that has videos of a group of teenagers singing and dancing to a foot thumping song, its videos intended to get up from the couch and get moving.  One of the songs sounded really fun, and I decided what can be enjoyed by one can be enjoyed more by two. Or three. So we set up the chromebook in front of our audience - the Bobby boy, and moved to the beat. I concede i do not move quite as much as the girl next to me. But the audience did not complain! :) 

Now the downs.

One of little Bobby boy's favorite play toy has been the purple monkey with a cymbal. This evening when i put the boy in the playmat for tummy time, he found the monkey, and as with all things dear to him, he proceeded to chew on the monkey. Except this time, he was trying to chew on the cymbal and my little baby skin on the upper lip got caught between the cymbal. When he bit into it with his gums, his skin got caught in the cymbal, and my poor baby screamed in pain. The skin above his upper lip all red and got a press mark. The boy was screaming murder. I picked up my little baby and knew he must have hurt himself in the mouth even before I saw it. I admonished the monkey, which is banished for now. My poor baby boy had big fat tears all streaming down his face. I felt so bad. I kept him close to me, filling him up with hugs and loads of kisses. The trooper that he is, he stopped crying soon. All of us felt so bad. Little miss Haana suggested maybe we put a medicine on his booboo. No, I said. Babies are tricky that way, you can't give them medicines normally. But in a few minutes as he breathed easy, so did the rest of us! Phew! 

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