Monday, August 10, 2020

We All Fall Down

Yesterday would forever be known as the infamous day - the day that would explain all future problems in my baby boy's life! The day I had a feeling is coming on - it's not a question of if, only a question of when.. The day that raises yet another eyebrow on my parenting skills.

So what happened? Bobby boy rolled over from the bed! :-(. He's been quite a roly-poly lately, rolling around with ease from tummy to back and back to tummy. He does that on his play mats and often rolls out of them onto the carpet. Someone has to repeatedly get him back on the playmat to avoid him chewing on dust mites and whatever else the carpet is hiding! 

But backing up, we had had a good sunday. After a good 5 months and a few weeks, we finally decided to visit friends of ours', little miss Haana's best friend Rushi's place for a play date: where parents hang out -chatting and eating while the kids hang out - playing and running around! It was Bobby boy's first visit to anyone's home too. We enjoyed our outing all of us. Bobby boy played and was amused by his Zeeta aunty and Sai uncle, and once he was tired, he took a good nap. Miss Haana and her best friend Rushi need only each other, and were scarcely seen most of that afternoon. The adults chit-chatted over cups over delicious decaf ginger chai, savory lunch and then snacks. We all had a good time! 

I was tired by the time we got back but there was work to be done. I had to give bobby boy a bath then an oil massage. These days little miss Haana enjoys a massage from me too. A feeding session before the bath, another session after the bath and then put boy to sleep (and not without a fight). Once i was done with the bath and massages I remembered little miss Haana needs her nails cut. At this time both the bobby boy and little miss Haana were hanging out on the bed. I cut her nails and was was just heading over to throw them in the trash when it happened. The little guy rolled over off the bed. I heard the soft thud followed by crying. Dad got him and picked him up and walked with him. I felt mad at everyone (all of us were in the same room sitting around on the bed or closeby when this happened) but mostly myself. Little miss Haana started crying too; big tears all the way around. She was scared if something happened to bobby. She said i don't like Bobby crying. I hugged her and told her babies need others to make sure they're safe (#failedit!), but also they need others to make sure they feel safe. If we cry and freak out, that will scare him more. So we have to pacify him, tell him is ok and he's fine. He's not broken, he's ok. Little Bobby boy had stopped crying in the other room and in this room little miss Haana felt better!

I remembered another incident like this one with little miss Haana when she was a baby and she rolled over the bed (Yes, i have done it before!). But after some searching through the old blogs i realized i was probably too mortified to write about it. I had sent a private email about the incident so i know it happened when little miss Haana was 4 months old (same age as Bobby boy now), and it scared me a lot. I remember pacing the bedroom with her in my arms, back and forth, worrying and wondering what to do. It was a friday evening, should i go to ER? Have i permanently damaged her? Is she gonna be ok? This time around, not that scared, but instead just mad. 

But my bestest friend tells me, babies bounce. So we are good!

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