Monday, August 10, 2020


To get her ready for the new school year which will start soon enough, Dad printed some worksheets for little miss Haana to do during the day. There were a few pages of Math problems, and then one page of reading comprehension with several questions on the back for her to write answers for. I was working my half days on the dining table. 

From the corner of my eye I saw little miss Haana working on her work sheet. First, diligently on the math problems. Then after that, she disappeared briefly with the worksheets. I heard drawers open and shut, tape being pulled from the tape-roll, metal scissors, more drawers open and shut. In a few minutes, the girl was back and reported that she was done with her work. She left the worksheets and disappeared to have some well-earned fun!

Later Raj was checking her work in the worksheet. Math problems were solved correctly. Then he flipped over to the reading comprehension. The reading passage was printed on one side, and what was this white sheet of paper stuck to the backside? Instead of answering the questions for the reading comprehension, the girl stuck a white paper over the questions, and called it done! Apparently life is too short to be spent over answering reading comprehension questions!  This school semester will be a long one ;)!

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