Saturday, May 29, 2021

Third Grade Is Over

And just like that, little miss Haana is done with her third grade. As of friday last, the summer break has begun! 

Little miss Haana wanted to go to Olive Garden to celebrate her finishing third grade and to usher in the summer break. We made it there for a late lunch today. It was Bobby's only second trip to a restaurant. As I put him in a high chair, Bobby looked around and saw other people sitting on chairs, and beamed at me! 'Oh this new place, so much to see. And look at me, all sitting on a chair like all these big people! Look at me! Not a baby am I now!!' - said Bobby's smile. Little miss Haana busied herself with the real reason we were there for - fresh breadsticks. They were disappearing fast. Me and Bobby digged in too. Every table had a screen with games for kids, little miss Haana made good use of that as well. We got my favorite calamari, and got soup to dip more breadsticks in. By the time main course arrived, I was mostly full! I had Bobba try pieces of my ziti al forno pasta, it was the tube pasta, that i cut into pieces for Bobba. He put his fingers through it, like rings or finger braces! Then it disappeared. Some into his tummy, many under the table. It was a good lunch!! And we all took to-go boxes home. 

When we got home, half way comatose from a big late lunch, i told little miss Haana how proud I am of her - this was a tough year for her, being in remote school. Some of her friends went back to in-person school, but we didn't send her. In the middle of winter we packed and we moved. She had to move away from her friends in the old neighborhood. In the new place, it took some time but she made new friends. And all through it, remote school continued. I told her she's so amazing and outstanding. She quite something!! She's my best girl :-).

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