Saturday, January 28, 2012

Dress Up, Get Set and Go

We went to meet our friends tonight and the biggest challenge was getting out of the house. It's such a cliche that girls take a long time to get dressed. My girl took the longest but not for the expected reasons.

It didn't start all that well. For beginners, Suhaana hates wearing anything with sleeves. But as a parent I'm ever the daring and hopeful dreamer. Not to mention I have agendas of my own.

When it was time to get her ready to go out, I was eager for her to try the new black polka dot dress that her aunt (my close friend) gifted recently. My little girl in black n white polka-dot dress with a pink rose flower! Oh I'd been looking forward to this all week! The problem? Full sleeves.

I somehow got her in a white onsie and then, literally shoved the dress down her neck. She was not happy and not shy to say as much( read: loud angry crying going on). Then, I realized that he dress is actually too short and should be worn with black tights. I sort of remembered some reference of tights when receiving the gift, but in front of this cute dress any other memory is pale. Also, Suhaana doesn't have black tights yet.

Anyhow, I proceeded to take her dress off and go for another dress (sleeve-less) which had been tried before. But the harm had been done and Suhaana was mighty pissed.

All my feelings of accomplishment were drained when in the end, after the dress fiasco I realized it's quite cold outside and Suhaana needs to wear a sweater and pants (hence obliterating the need of a dress - she could be wearing anything under the sweater).

Suhaana was so mad by the end of her dressing-up stage that we hastened to strap her in the car seat, load the car and get going. A moving car is the biggest pacifier.

As soon as we reached our friends and they saw Suhaana, the first thing they say? You didn't put any socks on for her?


  1. awww,mybadfor not getting the tights.. will rectify this ASAP.. I want to see her in the polka dots..

  2. Gone are the days when I used to decide what my kids want to wear... now she picks out clothes for me :(

  3. my son's 6 and i agree with neeta. today's non uniform day in school- sports kit and the t i give him to wear- he tells me 'mum, this is not sporty' eeps!!!!! gone are the days when we, like 'the best babies' wore what we were granted!! zamaanaa is defo badloing. zamaane ke saath chalo badhu log!
