Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Newly Acquired Skills

The newly acquired skill of grasping has its perks - at least for me it does.

For one, it's the cutest thing when Suhaana folds her tiny little fingers around mine. Perhaps not even meaning to do it, it just melts me.

But today, a new routine was discovered. As her grandmother and I lay her down in her crib and gave her the pacifier, she realized she wanted to have the pacifier, talk, smile and have her hand in her mouth - all at the same time. So, she got her hands to take the pacifier from the mouth, held on to it with her hands while she smiled (both of us were floored at this point), then got the pacifier back on to the mouth! Her grandmother and I were as astonished at this feat as amused.

After this she kept trying to put both her hands and the pacifier in her mouth at the same time. Usually the pacifier won, just long enough for it to be finally spit out. No one can accuse her of unduly favoring one over another!


  1. So sweet... did you take a video ?

  2. No :-( if she continues the routine, I might be able to sneak a video perhaps!
