Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Suhaana and her grand mother have a new game. To an onlooker it may not seem like anything at all, but the participants and usually giggling silly.

The game is unbelievably simple. All her grand mother does is say, "Onee... Two..." (stretching out the syllables as long as they would go). A pause of anticipation followed by a gleeful "Threeee". Suhaana is besides herself with giggles and laughs.

Actually it started a few days ago. Her grand mom would count till three and on three she would lift little Suhaana in the air. Little girl was enjoying it so much that from two she could barely contain the anticipation.. Soon, the game was all about what's coming next. So much so that it didn't even matter to her that no one is really lifting her up in the air anymore. Somehow the anticipation was hilarious in itself. For both Suhaana and her grandmother.

For the onlookers it's hard to decide who's the little girl in the game.

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