It must have been sometime late november or early december last year that I showed little miss Haana a picture of a sonogram. With a profile of a baby's face, a grainy picture showing the baby 's arm and 1 leg. I was picking up little miss Haana from her after-school, and I had just gotten back from my doctor's appointment. I showed her the black and white grainy picture.
Little miss Haana asked me what it was and I told her, it's a baby! I pointed out the little face, the nose and chin, and arm and leg. Her face and eyes lit up! "Ohhh! You are pregnant? So your tummy is not just getting fat, there's a baby in there?". Hmm, not quite the wording I had been expecting, but i rolled with it and nodded.
"Ohh! I'm soo happy! I always wanted a sibling", she said and we hugged.
Then, the next question, "Is it a boy or a girl?".
I said, "It's a boy".
"Aww", says miss Haana, "I wanted a sister".
'Ya right', I thought, 'another one like her!'
But out loud I said, "But you know, boys are way easier to bully".
"Really?", she said, considering the possibility.
"Of course", I said, "Look at you. I've been trying to bully you for 8 years, and I haven't yet been successful!", keeping a straight face. Obviously i sold it well, cause after a moments' pause, miss Haana agreed, "Ya, that would work! And also i'll be 8 years older than the baby, so the baby will need to listen to what i say!". I wanted to say that has not been my last 8 years of experience, but decided otherwise. Instead we talked about how excited we both were and how it was simply fabulous!!!
Fabulous it indeed is!
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