Sunday, December 4, 2011

Brand New Baby

My closest friend just had a baby boy. We went to the hospital to see him. Holding the newborn is my hands reminded me of the day when Suhaana was born:

It was an unplanned c section, and not without anxiety. But as I was lying on the OT under local anesthesia, I heard her first sound, a muffled cry initially. I looked at my husband Raj and his eyes just glowed in excitement. But I still hadn't seen her yet. Then, finally, I caught a glimpse of her as 3 nurses buzzed around her. She was crying out loud now, and Raj was hovering over her.

The moment when I first caught a brief glimpse of her is something I'll never forget. I felt such complete awe... Just absolute bliss. 'Oh my God, she's so unbelievably beautiful' - was my first thought. That brief moment is forever engraved in my memory. A moment of such absolute happiness and joy.

I waited in anticipation as the nurses did their initial tasks of cleanup and medications on her and Raj hovered like an excited school kid. Those few moments were perhaps the longest minutes of my life! I was still on the OT table when Raj did place her close to me. I just melted, she was so unbelievably tiny and cute.

When they were wheeling me to the room, the nurse was pushing my bed asked me if I was tired. I said 'no, I'm just so excited!'. I couldn't wait to hold little Suhaana in my hands again.

That first night, the entire night, I couldn't take my eyes off of her. I couldn't sleep a wink all night, cause I couldn't bear closing my eyes and not seeing her. I was in such complete bliss, and so much in love!

And even today, every time I see her, I feel the same rush of crazy love emotion. Sometimes when she's fast asleep I plant huge kisses on her. She just twitches at the momentary annoyance and goes right back to sleep.

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