Friday, December 29, 2017

Slacking On Duty

I've been slacking off again.. Haven't written on the blog in a long, long time. I'll pick up where i left off about Miss Haana putting in a lot of effort in her poster for the art competition up at school called Reflections.

The school announced the winners mid November, and after a lot of waiting for each category, it was finally time for announcing the winners for the painting category. My little Miss Haana won an award for her painting called 'Its all within reach'. We took pictures, and a very proud little Haana posed for pictures in front of her displayed art work at school.

Today we went to an outdoor ice rink, and the little girl wanted to ice skate. She's been to just 1 ice skating class which was at least 2, and maybe 3, years back. She knows roller skating but not with inline skates. So i was apprehensive. I went over the basics of how to stops, but i think she was too excited to care what i was saying. I hoped she doesn't fall too often. She was to go into the ice rink by herself.

She wobbled as she put on the skates, and i cringed about how it might go. But then, she got in the rink, wobbled a bit, didn't fall and just like that, started skating. She wasn't holding on to the sides, she was really skating. I was amazed at her and watched her go with simply amazed, dazed happiness. I was reminded of my own attempts at trying ice skating, which weren't exactly very successful, but weren't disastrous either. All i need is a little more practice which would need a lot more dedication!

And, i think i need to find little Miss Haana some ice skating classes too in the future.

Monday, October 9, 2017

Within Reach

I'm still amazed that my little girl Haana is now in kindergarten. Our state has an optional project work called 'Reflections' where the student can turn in project work in any one of a variety of formats (such as music, dance, photography, visual arts etc). This year's theme is 'Within Reach'.

I felt its a bit premature for kindergarteners. They are adept at doing certain things that appeal to them, but to do a project work on a certain theme, it seemed to me, it may be too early.

Anyhow, I asked little Miss Haana what did she want to reach when she grows up. What did she want to be. I was expecting to be surprised, I had never actually asked her that question before. In my mind she's already growing up too fast, I want to stretch out her little-kid-days endlessly, like string cheese.

She told me point blank, she's not going to be just one thing, she's going to be 7 different things when she grows up. I asked her what these 7 things were. Scientist, astronaut, teacher, artist, builder, chef... I lost the 7th one! When I asked her again to remind me what the 7th goal was, she hesitated and said - diva. I shot back, these are not the things you already are! It's for the future 😁. She and I giggled!

She worked on her project work over several days. It is, afterall, all within reach.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Judging the Book by the Cover

Judging by the size, little Miss Haana is the tiniest child for her age. This becomes even more apparent in her new elementary school, where almost all other kids, are way bigger than her. When I see her in a group of kids, she's this tiny little frail thing, that might fly away if you blow too hard.

But, as with most other things in life, it's whats inside that matters more ultimately. Miss Haana is no frail at spirit. As witnessed daily with high octave fights between mother and daughter, she's not lacking in passion, opinion or just pure sass. Yet ever since kindergarten started, I've fixated on how much she's eating and how that's hardly enough. And then every once in a while I realize regardless of her size, or maybe in spite of it, she's just so simply amazing.

The other day we went to PinStack which is a bowling alley but has other games and stuff too. It had rock climbing walls that Miss Haana stood in line for. But, looking at her, the attendant said the minimum weight requirement is 40lb. She made her stand on the weighting scale and Miss Haana was 36lb. Poor Haana was very disappointed. So, we turned to another section where they had a high rope course - ropes tied up 20 feet high in several different patterns, and tests the wits and agility by criss-crossing the ropes with a harness on. The first time i got up on a rope 20 feet high, i momentarily froze! But then one step next to the other, and it was exhilarating. Little Miss Haana wanted to try it. We all got in our harnesses, Miss Haana went first, I was right behind her. I was expecting she will freeze up there initially too, like i did on a previous occasion. But, she didnt. She looked to make sure I'm coming, and I told her I'm right behind her. But then, she didn't look back, didn't hesitate, didn't freeze. She just kept on going. She didn't say she was scared.

And for a minute I marveled at that. I marveled  at how her spirit is much much larger than her tiny frame. And I'm good with that!

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Flower Garden

Joint effort of Miss Haana and mine.
A flower garden with sunflowers and a rose. Dragon fly, butterfly fluttering about. A fairy floating with them, wand in hand. All under the yellow golden sun.

Thursday, August 31, 2017


Banter returning home from dinner yesterday:

Mumma: Gugu, i have a question
Little Miss Haana: What?
M: Why are your shorts so short? Do you see how short they are? They're barely there!
H: Because they're SHHOORRTss. Get it? SHORTs? Get it?
M: (giggling out of control)

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Big Kid School

My little girl Haana goes to elementary school for Kindergarten on Monday. Can't believe where time has flown by. And I still remember the day I got back from the hospital with a little baby, and I was showing her the house. And now she's all ready to go to a big elementary school. Cool as a cucumber, she's actually looking forward to the new, big school. I am alone in my misery of time fleeting too soon, and my little girl going on to another big milestone of her life, away from me.

Earlier in the summer, little Miss Haana had tested for what the school district calls LEAP program - for exceptionally gifted child. LEAP, an acronym for Leading Exceptional Academic Producers, is a self-contained program for the exceptionally gifted child. I was on the fence for the testing. My little girl is the most wonderful, amazing person. She is exceptional in her command on the language; written, spoken and reading. She was speaking full sentences when she was 2 years old. She's tenacious, and even though I die inside when someone (other than me) says something mean to her, she has an inner strength that is otherwise called a somewhat-thick-skin. I know her strengths, I know her weaknesses. She is one of the most amazing persons I know. Even though she's a little thing, she has a BIG personality.

For none of the above, do I need a school or a board or a test to tell me how my daughter is. Part of my hesitation with school is to let an institution and teachers and other kids be able to tell her what she is and is not. I do realize, most of that is not avoidable. As a parent my job is not to solve everything for her or to have her in a perfect environment. But to encourage her to question, and evaluate for herself. It is easier said than done. We decided to have her test for the program primarily to keep her challenged at school. There were 2 rounds of 3.5 hour tests, from where little Miss Haana would come out prancing like a butterfly in a garden of flowers. All our questions about "What was asked" came back with vague useless answers. I had prepared her "portfolio", a folder of some of her work in and out of the Montessori. The children who get tested for this program, and who qualify for GT level, get specialized instructions/classes in their home schools. Then, the children who qualify for a higher LEAP level, are admitted to the LEAP school specifically for exceptionally gifted kids. The result came out late summer and little Miss Haana had been deemed exceptionally gifted and is one of 9 children selected this year for the Kindergarten class at the LEAP school. We are proud parents.

School begins from this coming Monday, so, I decided Miss Haana and I will spend some quality mom and daughter time this Friday. We started our Friday lazily, playing Deep Diver video game that looks like it was created at least 30 years back, in bed. Laughing, giggling, screaming whether the diver was getting all the gold coins or was being eaten by the red octopus. Finally, we got out of bed, and got ready. We headed for brunch to Original Pancake House for some pancakes and strawberry syrup. It was a beautiful day, unusually pleasant for late august here. We headed to park. We first went to a small park at the historical district with gazebos, arched walk ways, quaint little benches under shaded trees. Then we headed to another small park with a playground, with swings overlooking a canal with small bridges and winding pathways, trees perfect for climbing, slides. I hung out on a tree branch while watching little Miss Haana make friends with other kids. Soon we were both thirsty and I knew it was time to move on to the next activity for the day. We headed first to a gas station and got us a bottle of orange juice, and then headed to the movie theater to watch the new movie - Leap - about a young orphan girl with a dream of becoming a ballet dancer. Little Miss Haana loved the movie, she was getting off her chair and showing me the various ballet positions and moves for much of the movie!

Friday was also the day for the new school's meet and greet parents and teachers night. We headed to the school later that evening with dad too. It was a mad house! I found myself smirking "Welcome to the Jungle" to myself. It was a big school (big in comparison to the small Montessori the little girl has been going to). We met her teacher, and found her desk at the classroom with her name already on it. I asked Miss Haana, the chair next to her was empty, if I should join her at school too. It's a big school, and surely they can accommodate 1 more student in their class. Miss Haana politely refused. We received lots of flyers, information, other parents got introduced, forms got filled. And finally we came out full of wonder, excitement, fear, controlled panic and pride.

We headed for dinner where we ran into friends of ours' (and Miss Haana's) we hadn't met in sometime. We had dinner together while the girls played, and finally headed home. It was good day. I'm still not ready for Monday. But that's just me!

I Am Ready To Listen

Little Miss Haana and I have our occasional squabbles. This one occurred week before last when I was driving us to the violin class. Before leaving home, I quickly grabbed a KitKat from the fridge as a treat.

After the class, we came back and sat in the car and decided it was time for a treat after all. It was a 4 piece chocolate, I tool out 1 piece for me and passed along the rest with the wrapper to the little thing in the car seat.

She started taking the chocolate out of the wrapper before eating. I told her not to do that, it was a recipe for a brown, sticky, melted chocolate mess. But little Miss Haana, instead of listening, kept telling me she had a plan. At some point in the exchange, I got really mad. "You just do not listen. At all. Now we will talk next only when you're willing to listen.", I gave her an ultimatum, I was hopping mad. She retorted by threatening to tell Papa on me. I was not pleased. There was some crying and some explaining (from me). After a few minutes, we both had cooled off somewhat.

When the crying stopped Miss Haana asked me for a pen and paper.
She wrote me a note that said:
I am ready to listen. You are the best, I love you. Love Gogoo.
Now, it was my turn to instantly melt :)

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Because I am Mumma

Several times a week little Miss Haana would come and tell me something she decided or thought or something that happened that i already knew about. I listen to her wondrous excitement and in the end tell her that i already knew that,  "You know why?". She asks why? "Because I'm Mumma!".

As per my plans, for Miss Haana I should have already elevated to super hero status by now. I'm not certain why that has not happened until now😊

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Ok Bye

This morning when i was waking up my sleepy baby, she smiled at me and with her eyes still closed, said "Ok, bye!"

I said, "Bye? Not bye, it's time for hi! Wake up!"

She turned to me and said,  "No, not to you. I was dreaming and talking to Mac on the phone".
She explained to me then, Mac is a teenager. He's 13. And he called to ask my little girl Haana if she'll be his best friend!
Then she told me there was also Zach. He was 12 and he wanted to be her good friend too!

My 5 year old is dreaming that teenaged boys are calling her asking to be their best friend?! This can't be happening! I had to interject my twisted flavor of reality, though. So, i said to little Miss Haana, "Well, did you tell him that your best friend is Mumma? Right? Gugu's best friend is mumma, right?!". She didn't completely disagree with me and haltingly nodded in agreement. Later, she said, the latest friend is also the best friend. I fussed that was not as per our rules and she relented with a "Ok, fiiiine!".

Friday, July 7, 2017

Graduation Preschool

Last month there was a big day for little Miss Haana and us. The Montessori school had ordered and sent blue graduation gowns and caps to wear on the big day. Little Miss Haana could hardly wait.

Incidentally my parents came from India to visit us for the summer. So, on the big day, we all, grand parents and parents and Miss Haana made our way to the school in the evening for Miss Haana's preschool graduation day.

The kids were ushered to their classrooms as we waited in anticipation on tiny chairs for the ceremony to begin. The school had made a short video to celebrate each child and their time at the Montessori. We caught a glimpse of little Miss Haana sharing a delicious joke with her friend at the playground and both of them giggling. The kids were asked how old they think their mom and dad were, and most of them were replying that their parents were really old! Miss Haana nailed it when asked how old her dad was. She said her mom was 8 years old, which is exactly the right answer too!

Then, finally their class was called out. All the kids of Primary D, dressed in blue graduation gowns and caps came out in a line. I saw this little baby in the middle. The class sang some songs and then, were given their graduation certificates one by one. I woohoo-ed! We were reminded this is the first of several graduations to come for these kids, and that several of these kids will go on to prestigious schools when they grow up, some on scholarships. All that is too far in the future for me, I was smitten by the present.

Soon, it was picture time, and we took selfies with little miss graduate Haana. Pictures with friends, pictures with teachers.  Pictures with parents and grandparents. And then with the evening drawing to a close, we headed to Miss Haana's favorite eatery for dinner- the one that serves no vegetables, but I'm not saying anything today!

Thursday, July 6, 2017

This Is My Land

This is what Miss Haana sang to me at home:

This land is my land,
This land is your land
From California to the New York island.
The endless skyway
The golden valley
This land was made for you and me.

This land is my land,
This land is your land,
I saw above me the endless skyway
I saw below me the golden valley,
This land was made for you and me.

Singing credits: Miss Haana 😊

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Good Afternoon

The week before last little Miss Haana was sick. Allergy was making her wheeze, and asthma acted up. Dad and I were taking turns watching the little girl at home.

One of these days, when I was at home, little girl and I decided we will go out for lunch.  We were both pretty hungry by the time we reached the restaurant. Miss Haana made instant friends with the waiting staff at the restaurant. Soon we were finishing up with desserts and heading out.

It was really good weather outside so we were just hanging out outside the restaurant. Just then, a drop fell on me. And then another drop fell on the little girl. And then several more between us. We ran to the car giggling and yelling, "Its raiiiiiniiing!".

We jumped into the car and spent the first couple of minutes laughing. And then, an idea struck little Haana. "Mumma!", she said, eyes gleaming, "Let's open the top, Mumma!". I paused, but then i smiled. This would not have  been the first time i would've driven around with the convertible top down in a rain! It wasn't raining all that hard, and as long as the car is moving, most raindrops fly over the front and most of the back seat.  With Little Little Miss Haana in her car seat, I put on some good music and we rode around up and down the road, singing our favorite songs, with the top down in rain! We returned home in awhile, still humming our tunes, and giddy with our adventure.

What a great afternoon!

Sunday, April 30, 2017

List of Things To Do This Summer

Here is the list of things Miss Haana came up with to do this summer.

Monday, April 17, 2017

Five Year Old Games

We went for a weekend trip at a cabin with friends of ours' on Easter. Miss Haana was ecstatic at the prospect of spending the weekend with her best friend. She had packed herself a special backpack full of play toys, coloring activities, special sparkle journal diary, pencil case with sharper and eraser and other small tid-bits.

Having answered the question "Are we there yet" more times than i can count, we reached the cabin. We hung around outside for a bit and were almost immediately greeted by the neighbor's friendly dog. We petted him, and he seemed glad to make new friends, although might have been a tad disappointed in us when he discovered we definitely had no cookies or treats on us.

Little girl Haana discovered a rustic,  rusting see-saw in the yard too. She sat on one end. I obliged by sitting on the other end, which turned out to be not so gratifying- the little girl was too light compared to me. I got off. Miss Haana commanded me to place the dog of the other side of the see-saw. One look at her confirmed, she was not kidding.  Friendly doggie wagged his tail nearby oblivious of his precarious position. She pestered me some more to place the friendly dog on the see-saw. I explained he might not appreciate that so much. She conceded. We got a ball out from the car trunk, to play fetch. We soon learnt, doggie's version of fetch was to run and grab the ball and then not let it go. I was playfully telling the doggie that's not how fetch works at all, when his parents called him back home.

Once the doggie went back home, we went  indoors to discover the cabin. It had an amazing wrap around patio with a great views and rocking chairs. We were soaking in the views when our friends and little Haana's best buddy walked in. The next two days were a blur of eating, sipping tea, then eating, checking on kids, walks, another round of tea,  did i mention eating- on repeat cycles.

Both the kids had a blast. At times drawing and coloring; and at other times running around screaming and giggling. And then, there was the video watching.

A weekend well spent!

Friday, April 7, 2017

When I'm A Teenager

Little Miss Haana had this to say to me today:

Haana: Mumma! When i become a teenager, i want to have those things in my ears,  those pods,  those white things....
Mumma: Mm, ear buds?
H: Ya! When i become a teenager, I'll have ear buds in my ears and I'll have a very shiny phone of my own,  and i want to go for a run listening to music. Can i mumma, can i, when i am a teenager?
(Eyes shining like diamonds!!!)
M: (I looked around and i caught the absolute rapture in her eyes just thinking about it. But i had to interject some of my own twisted version of reality)
Gugu, the only phone you will ever have is Mumma's. But that's ok, i will share with you, you can take my phone.
H: But i want a shiny one.
M: Ya, we can get a shiny cover for Mumma's phone, whichever one you like. (I'm liking this even better now;-) )
H: (Sounds satisfied) And then i will put the ear things on, and i will go for a run listening to music. (Does a little dance to show how wonderful the whole picture is!)
M: (Giggling with satisfaction at the thought that she's still using mom's phone as a teenager.)

Friday, March 31, 2017

Evil Mom

I reached school to pick up little Miss Haana one day this week. Miss Haana was holding her snack bowl, half way filled with bite sized apple pieces. As soon as she saw me, she quickly stuffed a couple pieces in her mouth, but there too many more to go in the bowl, it was not empty. She hesitantly walked towards me and reluctantly told me she hadn't been able to finish her snack just yet, but she was working on it. (I might have been gently perusing her to ensure that she finish her snack  (fruit) at school every day).

I had a mixed rollercoaster reaction when i saw her:
First,  it was comic relief. It was comical to see her quickly stuff her mouth with multiple fruit pieces and then drag her feet to report to me!

Then, it was pure unadulterated satisfaction. Getting her to eat is no mean task. That my nagging and threats actually do succeed to some degree, called for some serious pat on the back. I was secretly proud of myself- for just that  moment anyway.

Then, of course not far behind, it was guilt. How mean must she think i am, if she behaves like that! Am i just too strict with her sometimes? Do i get carried away with frustration at times?

But then finally, it was doubt. Is she really this meek little mouse like she's making it out to be right now? This is the little thing who, given a choice (out of exasperation) to eat her dinner or go for a timeout; gets down from her chair, begins her angry im-mad-at-you-too-crying; goes without any qualms for timeout; refuses to come back till i concede she is not going to have to eat any more. Compare that to this little thing stuffing apples in her face so i don't see the snack is not finished. Hmm, is she playing me? Or am i really the evil mean mom?

Definitely not asking that question.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Normal Moms

I always suspected this would happen one day in distant future, but never expected it to happen this early.

One day, picking up little Miss Haana from school, we were having our usual arguments (where she tells me what she wants, and then i tell her to do something else), when she suddenly screamed in exasperation, "Mumma! Why can't you be like a normal mom!"

Normal mom! I have to say,  the thought has occurred to me that I'm probably pretty far from normalcy. But how does Haana know that!
I asked her,  "What do you mean,  normal mom! What does that even mean?". This caused more exasperation, "Ughhh, you don't even understand what I'm saying. You never understand what I'm even saying". Why does everything with 5 year olds have to be in superlatives!

Anyway, when i prodded some more (maybe not all that carefully)  i was educated that normal moms are not that strict. And not mean either. I'm thinking they also always understand what their 5 year olds are saying. I'm sure they also always agree with what their little ones are saying. In short - they're imaginary😊

I can live with that!

Saturday, March 4, 2017


I have a confession.

All of us were doing groceries at the neighbourhood store this Saturday afternoon. When done, we had our cart all loaded up with stuff and, were heading out. Little Miss Haana was telling me she wants to go and sit on the garden rocking chairs set outside the store for spring. I thought that was a great idea.

Just as we headed out the store, i saw a little girl heading into the store accompanied by two women. It was little Miss Haana's classmate, one of her best friends. I recognized one of the women was her mother. The other was far older, probably grandmother.

Little Miss Haana was in a hurry to get to the chairs and didn't see her best friend coming over from the other side. And, i didn't say anything. I recognised the girl, i smiled at her, but i didn't tell Haana.

I later felt that was such a mean thing. Actually, although the girl is miss Haana's best friend, multiple times she's said and done mean things to her. She's laughed at little Haana, made fun of her and made her cry. Multiple times I've heard the girl has been mean to my little Haana. I make no bones about it, i don't like her at all. It usually doesn't help telling kids their friends are bad kids. Instead i try to teach her to stand up to bad behavior, especially mean girls.  And to stand up to bullying. I'm not sure how successful that's going either. For some reason, my little girl Haana just likes that girl. I think it has to do with the fact that she's older and more mature, and Haana is drawn to older kids, especially girls.

Anyway, those are my reasons for not telling little Miss Haana that i just saw her best friend. I felt guilty about it later, and chastised myself for being so mean.

Saturday, February 11, 2017


If parenting teaches you anything, it is to be a good sales person. Not the kind that sells stuff. But the kind that sells the argument.

Yesterday morning, we were getting ready for school and work, I informed little Miss Haana that her snack will consist of two clementine oranges. She immediately retorted,  "I don't want oranges". Instead of arguing, I turned to look at the two clementine oranges in my hand and covered their the sides (ears), and whispered to them,  "No, no, she didn't mean it! She really likes you, it wasn't like that". Little Miss Haana immediately agreed with me,  "Ya, ya, i didn't mean it!", we giggled. "But mumma, I don't want two of them!". I was about to argue how she really needs to have two,  and thst they're tiny. But I had a better plan: "But Gugu, they're sisters! Sisters have to go together." "Oh ya. Sisters have to go together", she agreed with conviction.

Problem solved 🤗.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Rock Chalk

Today was not the only day when I picked up little Miss Haana from school, she wanted to take some rocks home. Outside the school,  there are flower beds full of small (palm sized) round colorful rocks. Miss Haana likes to "borrow" rocks of her choice now and then. I try to discouraged this practice,  but the reasons vary.
Today,  I reminded her there were some rocks at home. She told me,  she's looking for "rock chalk"!
I retorted, "That's not even a real thing!"
"It sure is!", she told me in a sing-song tone.
"But we have a whole box of collegial chalk at home,  remember?!"
That sealed the deal. And we climbed up into the car without any rock companions.

At home, we took out the box of chalks, and little Miss Haana went to work on the front patio.

In the middle is a ballerina bowing. That's little Miss Haana. Below that is a picture of a girl with a flower on her head,  wearing a cape and a dress. That's Mumma.

And then,  there's a rainbow on the top.

What I like best is the note in the middle,  that says: I love you.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Things to do Today

Miss Haana's things to do today attached!

I Want It

Little Miss Haana was sleeping this morning when she suddenly screamed "I want it!"

I was already up by then, so I jumped up and asked her, "What do you want Gugu? What is it?". But I got no answer.
Assuming the best, I decided she must mean that about a hug and a kiss, so I gave them both to her while she was still sleeping!

Sick Baby

My little baby miss Haana had been sick this week. It started suddenly on Wednesday night between 1 and 4am. The were at least 7-8 separate incidents of throwing up. As I was taking care of her in the night worrying about her, poor baby kept on telling me- I love you mumma!

Mom and Dad took turns staying at home to look after sick little Haana. On day 2, she was feeling much better though.

Here is our exchange as I heading out to work:
Mumma (M)- gugu,  what are you going to do today at home?
Haana (H)- I'm going to do a lot of things today!
M- Like what?
H- I'm going to read books, see some pictures, play some board games, do some coloring, do art n craft.
M- (cutting through the chase) Sounds like you're going to watch a lot of videos to me.
H- (jumped up in indignation) Nooo!!

Monday, January 9, 2017


Driving to work on Friday morning i heard the weather forecast for the day- chance of snowfall in the afternoon. My eyes lit up for a second: snow! But then, the day continued and i forgot.

Come afternoon, i saw several people leaving for the day. It was 130pm. I didn't think much of it. Then i saw a group of people huddled next to the window. I peered though, it was snowing!!! The parking lot was already transformed into Christmasy white. My reaction was- let's go home, bring little Miss Haana from school and let's play in the snow!!

Unfortunately when i returned to my office, there were a couple things that were already waiting for my attention. I thought,  i can wrap these up in a jiffy, and then leave for that day. I proceeded with my meeting. As soon as i wrapped that up,  there were couple other folks waiting on me. Wrapped that up,  and at 3pm i was headed out the door.

I was barely half a mile out,  that 2 realizations hit me. Both with a sinking heart.

First- almost everybody in the metroplex had decided to be on the road at that exact time.  And they were being over-abundantly cautious ( yes there is such a thing as over-abundant, also called slow-pokes). The traffic was backed up and inching along.

But then,  there was the second thing that really started driving me crazy- the snow flurries had all but stopped. There was still snow on the grass and on the roadsides everywhere,  but it wasn't snowing much anymore. I remembered the weather report said it will snow till 430p. It was 330p now.

I felt like such a fool. Why did i not leave right away. It doesn't snow that often here. It is snowing after 2 years. Today most probably will be the only snowy day this year. Oh,  why did i waste it away. How will little Haana and i catch snowflakes on our tongue now? Oh how!! Why did i waste it away. Why did i not leave when it was snowing.  Could i have not followed up the next day! Oh why did i waste it all away.... It was killing me!! The regret of lost time,  for a parent is unparalleled and the misery, insurmountable. To add to my misery a commute that takes me 15-20 minutes,  was now almost an hour long,  and I was still not quite at the montessori yet.

That 1 hour was amongst the most miserable hours for me ever.
Finally,  i reached the school and saw the little girl,  and told her let's go outside and play in the snow. And suddenly, with the glitter in her eye when she heard snow and play in the same sentence, all my sadness disappeared. We got out of the school and there were just a last few flurries fluttering by. Immediately Miss Haana and i, both,  had our mouths open trying to catch the snowflakes. She even picked up some snow and threw at me. I quickly packed her in the car,  took her home and packed her up with woolens. And then, we headed out to play in snow!

It wasn't enough for building a snowman. It was hardly enough for snowball fights,  but we played snowballs anyway. We made snow angels. We played snow kicks and snow drops (that's when you make a ball of snow and drop it in the lake, preferably on top of an unsuspecting duck). We made a few extra snow balls to take home and save.

Finally, when my fingers had frozen and were about to fall off, we headed back home. I quickly saved our snow ball collection in the freezer. We changed and got all warm. That's when i remembered i hadn't taken any pictures of our escapade.

So, in spite of much bickering,  i bundled up the little girl again,  and out we went,  this time only till the front yard,  took a few token pictures before rushing back inside to cozy up next to the fireplace.

Our snowy day ended up well. Even though it was quite a roller coaster ride.