Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Paying Attention

Christmas long weekend just washed past us. We spent some time going around and admiring Christmas lights in and around the city. Every time we'd be driving some place and I'll see some cool lights, I would point it out to Miss Gugu:
"Gugu! Look! Such beautiful lights on the right!!"
(Never mind, moving on..)
After a few minutes:
"Gugu, look on the right, beautiful reindeer!!"
"Where? Where Momma"
"On the right Gugu!"
"Is that the right?" (Pointing to some unknown direction from the back seat in the dark.)
After several such drills I'm exasperated.
I explain again which side is right and which side is left.
And then I remind her to pay attention.

A few days pass, and we're back traveling some place and I spot some cool Christmas lights on the way.
"Gugu! Look on the right, gingerbread man!!"
"Is that the right?"
"Yes" (I think so, anyway).
"Mumma, am I paying attention? Am I paying attention Momma"
I am too tickled by the question to remember the lights anymore!
"Yes, Gugu, you sure are!"

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

The Ballet Recital

The Sunday last was a big BIG day. It was the day of little Miss Haana's ballet recital. We'd been looking forward to it for more than a month. 

The little girl loves her ballet classes and her teacher Miss Nanda. The ballet classes are at her Montessori school. A couple months back we got a note from the ballet teacher that all the students need to have proper ballet outfits with a tutu, pink ballet shoes and pink stockings. We promptly made a trip to a proper dance outfit store, where both the little girl and I had trouble zeroing on one ballet dress to buy- they all looked so overwhelmingly cute on her. Ultimately we went home with two. 

The class had been practicing since 6 weeks for the recital. They had been measured for special recital dress. We had been instructed on the stockings and shoes to get. The excitement had been building for weeks.

Finally during the previous week we got the ballet dress with a headband. That night we immediately tried the dress on at home and it fit beautifully. The trouble was- getting the little girl to take it off! 

I had invited some of my and Miss Haana's closest friends and family for the big day. That morning I bought a delicate shade of pink Burt Bees' lip balm and shimmer. Gugu and I put finger nail paint (something I do not allow on a usual basis) and as always I applied the same color on my nails. I made Miss Haana's hair into 2 neat pony tails with tons of little pins and some hairspray to hold it all together. Then there were a couple pink flower hair clips on either side and the headband. 

Once at the venue little Miss Haana could barely stay on the ground. She was skipping and jumping and posing and prancing around like a little fairy princess! My friends arrived graciously on time and little Miss Haana's friends (Rushil and Anya) were super excited and thrilled too. After tons of photos all around, the time came to send the little ballerinas to the auditorium stage. The little girl hugged her dad( who may have needed it) and followed the line of little ballerinas gingerly but without looking back.

The show started and as soon as the little girl entered it was heavenly! We were on the front seat (I was at the edge of my seat) and the little baby was so cute and beautiful and unbelievably sweet! She followed all the steps and performed with a sense of importance and perfection. Somewhere in the middle while the music and dance was still on, she saw us and as if she remembered something, she waived at us and blew a kiss. I smiled. More dance followed.

And then again, in the middle of the song and dance she remembered something.. There from the stage she looked at me and said "Mumma! mumma".. I was puzzled. I looked and nodded at her half asking her what she wanted to say, half reminding her to continue with the ballet. She said "Mumma, I want to give you a hug"! The whole auditorium breathed an audible "awww"! That's one sentence I would never forget the rest of my life!! I laughed silently and nodded( me too!) and blew a kiss to her. She blew one back and carried on with her dance. 

She performed beautifully. At the end, all the girls were given certificates and tiaras for their performance. And the event ended. I noticed the entire event neither Anya nor Rushil had made so much as a single sound - they were engrossed too! I was told later by their moms, they both wanted to take up ballet classes now!

Outside as little Miss Haana came out she jumped into her Dad's arms. Then I made my way to her. And she and I hugged and kissed each other deeply! Perfect!

Sunday, December 14, 2014

I'm Afraid So

There was a time when the little girl would pick up on new words and I would be thrilled! Now that is passé!
Now, she's up to picking up new phrases too.
Heard this morning while still rolling around in bed- 
Mumma- Gugu, did you have a good neenna? (Baby talk for sleep)?
Miss Haana-Yes!
Mumma- Gugu, did you see any dreams?
Miss Haana-Yes, I'm afraid so!!
Mumma- I'm afraid so?? Come here for a little pitti( spank)!

Thursday, December 11, 2014


Disney's latest blockbuster Frozen has a major support from our household. Not only have we whole heartedly made our contributions multiple (who's counting!), times, we have also contributed in terms of casting.

Miss Haana is Elsa - on most days. On the other days she's Anna. She sings, walks, talks and thinks Elsa. I get a near continuous playback of "Let it go" soundtrack at home. 

Recently we went shopping for shoes for the little girl. Browsed around for a few minutes until the little girl located Frozen themed shoes with Elsa on them. There was no separating them from that point. I didn't even try. 

My dear dear cousin sister (in law) came over and was readily included in the Elsa fan club. We joked about it and laughed. A couple of days back I opened this carton she sent over. It had a beautiful Elsa dress, fancy sparkling shoes wih lights on them, a tiara and cuddly Olaf all packed in together. We had a hard time just getting her to take off her dress even for turning in for the night!

Saturday, November 29, 2014

A new device just entered our house and Miss Hana already has claimed it to be hers'.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Fine Balance

I haven't reported on our two-week trip to India last month yet. It was over like a blink of an eye, and it was like I was  already unpacking suitcases even though it seemed like I had barely just left.

We spent the first one week at her maternal grandparents' place- hobnobbing with Nana, Nani, Softy Mausi and Aby bhaiya. Even though she was a bit shy at the airport at Delhi, by the time we reached her Nana-Nani's place she was already telling Nana she wants cake for breakfast tomorrow. With Softy Mausi she found her love of long hair renewed. We had watched Rapunzel as a play in children's theatre just before this trip- so long flowing hair such as softy mausi's  triggered the perfectionist hair dresser in her! Aby bhaiya and Haana were just as inseparable as they had been last year. And my sweet nephew Aby has grown even more sweeter and thoughtful and perceptive individual.

The next week was spent at try he paternal grandparents' house who were in total surprise and had no idea we had a trip planned. Once the surprise waned, shopping trips were planned and arranged for the little girl. She hung out with her Tata and Pati; and was the little princess there too.

But coming back from India trip is not without it's perils. First, after spending time on a vacation getting back to the routine of daily life is never easy. Jet lag is not thy friend. Family back home always complain how the time was just not enough (very acutely aware that was the case). But the biggest issue happened with Miss Haana's school.

Before we left we were in the perfect sweet spot. She loved going to school, she loved coming back in the evening. On Sunday evenings she was looking forward to meeting her friends the next day. Ever since we came back, she doesn't want to do school anymore!! In the mornings she doesn't want to go and in the evening when I pick her up most days she has the get-me-outta-here expression, like she's had enough! This is such a huge stressful deal! And is totally stressing me out. Talked at school with the teacher and admins but I'm still not quite sure what is going on...

Hope we get back to a happy balance all over again.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Ballet Class

We had a ballet class at home on Sunday last. 
The little girl has been taking ballet lessons at her Montessori. Last week there was an email from their teacher detailing the dress code all the students will need to adhere to. We needed a proper ballet attire with a tutu, pink tights and pink shoes. It warranted a trip to a proper ballet store. 

The store was full of so many little dresses.. And they were all so divine! So pretty. In black and pink and purple and blue. Dresses with sequins, with net or embroidery. Or with small pink flowers! It was beautiful. I narrowed it to about 10 dresses with difficulty- dresses be tried out. When we got to the fitting room and tried the first dress (purple one) it was very cute indeed. 
Then it was a big struggle to remove this one to try the others.
Eventually we came back home with 2 dresses - purple and a black with pink tutu. 

Then, Sunday morning, the first order of the day was to wear the dresses. And once into the black dress with pink tutu, the little girl was now a ballerina. So she immediately became our ballet teacher who began with instructing us how to stand and where.

Stand here, properly. No, don't lean back. Come forward. Stand here.
(Once satisfied with the placement of the student).
Ok now do like this (a ballet pose), and now this(another).
Now let's sit down. Sit down. Cross cross apple sauce. 
Now do this( lean left), and now this ( lean right). Now do butterfly.
Now pull your leg straight. Now another.
Now let me switch on the music.
(She gets up and presses an embroidered button on a stuffed horse nearby- and music plays).
Now let's sit down again, property.
Now get up.
Now touch the horse (?what?!)
Touch the horse, you too Mumma!(I realized I hadn't quite done it.)
Now jump ( we do a frog jump, and again).
I graduated from the class. But somewhere around "touch the horse" I wasn't sure if it were a ballet class anymore!

Monday, November 3, 2014

First Fight Ever

This one started very scary.
This evening as I reached the classroom to pick up my little girl; and as she ran to me as she always does, I could tell something was very wrong. She was all choked up and teary eyed. Instantly I got very, very worried.

Tons of hugs and kisses and several "what happened" questions later, I tried piecing together what may have happened. Initially I thought she said Miss Monica scolded her. I wondered if this was about the other boy in their class who hits her. I'd heard her say multiple times that the boy hits her in class. I wondered if that was what happened today. But she said no. It wasn't him. Then why would Miss Monica scold her? No answer. Besides, I wondered could Miss Monica actually scold? She didn't seem that much older than these kids herself!

Later on, on clarification from Miss Monica herself I realized she hadn't said 'Miss Monica scolded her'. She'd said 'Mihika scolded her'. Apparently the two best friends had had a fight over a spinning wheel on who will spin it. Tempers must have flared, and by her own admission little girl Miss Haana said she got very angry. Some harsh words must have been exchanged. 

Even as we came home, the little girl was extremely upset and distraught by what had happened. I asked her if she was still angry, and she said "No, I'm mostly sad"! Then I told her I'll talk to Mihika's mommy, and ask her to tell Mihika that little Haana is feeling very bad about today. Even as I was typing the text and the little girl was peering onto my phone screen, i could tell she's beginning to feel somewhat better. 

Later that evening somewhere between the conversation about sharing amongst friends, I asked who her best friend was.
The answer was a resounding "Mihika"!

I guess all will work out soon enough. 

Friday, October 31, 2014

Proof# 843- How I Know Kids Are Strange

Give them two options; a difficult/painful  one and an easier one and they'll invariably choose the more painful one. This applies even when the pain inflicted is to them.

Case in point: 
Almost everyday Miss Haana is required to brush her teeth twice a day -morning and evening. But there are exceptions to every rule. Today as we got back after out fun trick or treat halloween night she was tired, sleepy, a little cranky, completely bushed and still jet lagged (from our trip to India we returned 2 days back from). If there ever was exception to a rule, it was today. So after the milk I offered her he sippy cup full of water- do swish and gulp little girl. 

She retaliated- she vehemently did not want anything to do with water at that point. Sleepy as she was, she rather wanted to get up and brush her teeth instead of having water from her sippy cup at that point!

Which planet are these little kids from?

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Miss Elizabeth

My little girl loves her teacher Miss Elizabeth at her Montessori. Some days when I pick up little Miss Haana from her school, in the shape of Miss Haana, her teacher Miss Elizabeth comes home. 

She sits me down "quietly, okay?".  Then, some days, she puts on some music for me and tells me to "Listen to the music, veeerryy carefully, okay? Listen to it." If I start to get up and leave, she tells me to "No! Sssit. Sit quietly okay? Sit! Now listen to the music okay?" 

Some days if I hurt myself doing something, the little Miss Elizabeth (at my home) attends to me immediately. She checks my boo-boo, then tells me "Oww, it will be alright, okay? You'll be alright verryy soon, okay?"

The other day the little girl told me she will be a pink ballerina (they are going to have a dance recital for their ballet class). I got all excited and asked if she could teach me some and if I could be a pink ballerina too. I was told in no uncertain terms I could not be a pink ballerina. Heartbroken I lamented. She relented and declared I could be a brown one. I retorted I didn't want to be a  brown one, I wanted to be a pink one. After some negotiation we agreed on yellow!

On other days little Miss Elizabeth at my home sits me down and reads stories to me.

It's quite an experience having a Montessori teacher at home :)

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Most Beautiful

My little girl is cute beyond limits. Yesterday when she and I went to a pharmacy store, she was ambling through the makeup and lotion sections. And when something would catch her eye, instead of immediately popping it in the shopping cart she would look at me with questioning eyes. If I shake my head , she would pass up on whatever she was considering. If I say yes, she would place it in the cart!

"Mumma, what can we get from this one?" Was her question for each aisle as we moved through the store.

And then as I browsed looking for one of the items I came for, I lost her in another aisle. Went looking for her and she'd moved elsewhere.. I went from one aisle to another, heartbeat quickening, steps hastening. Then I saw her triumphantly turning from an aisle with a newfound object of interest. When she looked at me, as I was looking at her, we ran to each other in the middle of the aisle and hugged. She leapt into my arms and let me kiss her multiple times- we had this tearful reunion as if we'd been separated for decades!

I looked over and asked what she had found for herself. It was a box of false eyelashes. She said she needs it to first clean her eyes and then put these so her eyes can be beautiful like Aurora (the only Barbie like doll she has - courtesy her grandma. Th doll is super old and possibly mine.) I told her "But Gugu, your eyes are even more beautiful than Aurora. They are the most beautiful eyes ever! They are more beautiful than anyone else. Did you not know that at all?! You're the most beautiful person in the whole world, Gugu!!" She didn't say anything but kept listening. I could see her heart swelling as she absorbed what I had just said. And quietly said , "Ok, then I don't need this anymore. Don't need this at all..". I agreed we can leave this one.

She's the most perfect, most amazing little girl!

Monday, September 22, 2014


IKEA (the huge, Swedish furniture and home goods store, full of nifty little things and colorful designs) is in my neighborhood (within 35 miles from me). 
This last weekend I decided to spend a Sunday afternoon -Miss Haana and I - browsing at ikea. The intention was to look at some kitchen items, but that was just a vague idea. The trip was essentially a browsing and hangout trip.

That turned out to be right on the money. As soon as we got in, we hit the sofa and arm chair section. We tried different sofas to see if we like them. Miss Haana got all comfortable (sitting with legs crossed) on one sofa and decided she wanted to color. Then I spotted a basket full of little furry brown puppy dogs (soft toys only - thank God!- no offense dogs!) Next to the basket was a small baby arm chair and a adult sized arm chair. At the blink of an eye, little Haana and I placed ourselves with a puppy dog on her lap, she on the baby arm chair, I next to her on a Mumma armchair. 
We spent an unspecified amount of time on the baby and Mumma arm chair; till I lured the little girl to more hidden treasures within the store.

We snaked through the TV tables' section, the entertainment section, the dining. Miss Haana found another small chair, took off her sandals and got all cozy and refused to move. When I protested, I was told the puppy dog was sleeping so I needed to be nice!

I finally did the needful- which is- wait around for a little bit to see if the situation changed, then keep her sandals in the backpack and grab her in my arms and quickly walk to another section.

We made it to the bed and bedding section. We found one bed with a huge (Mumma) dog. We laughed about it for a little bit, but before she could climb into the bed, I whisked her forward - there was a kid section coming up from with princess beds!!

We sifted though several other sections till we came to the real deal! The kids' section! A Spider-Man bed, bug bed, colorful beds all around. The little girl made her pick and walked towards it. She looked back at me with a questioning "Is it ok!" look. I said "Yes". She immediately took off her sandals on the rug next to the bed. Took her new found puppy dog. Climbed into the bed. Straightened the blankets. Put the doggie to sleep and covered him in blankets. Then very cool intention, lay down next to the doggie on the pillow and tucked herself in to bed. The fellow customers passing by, gave me the "Oh so cute!" looks with giggles and smiles! I let her play for a little bit while I browsed at other kids' bedroom related cute and colorful decor items. 

Soon, I wanted to move on, so I did the same strategy. Keep her sandals and carry her along. This time though, I found a little white mouse on the way, with a long pink tail and black whiskers! I thought it was cute and so did Miss Haana. We made another friend (the doggie was still with us). 

Then we came to the toy section. That's when I got in trouble.
There were several small chairs and tables with small cars and trucks and rugs with parking lots and traffic signals and buildings and parks. There were tents and rotating chairs. There were dolls. There were ladybug floor pillows and blocks. It was wonderful! 

We hung out there for an inordinate amount of time. Till I had to use the restroom! I asked the little girl- Let's go Gugu. But she refused point-blank. Any attempts to show that I am walking off were ignored - she really was busy. I found some toy trucks and browsed through some other toys and wondered when, if ever, will she get done. 

Finally, it was getting too much!
I went back to her and said- "Gugu, let's go to potty party"
"I don't want to do potty party"
"But Gugu, I want to! Let's goooo".
More carrying little girl (and friends) and walking over to restrooms ensued!

Friday, September 19, 2014

Carrot is my friend

Yesterday Miss Haana and I went to grocery shopping. As is the case with most grocery shoppings involving the little girl, it was long and fun. 

Even before we entered the store, she found a small baby cart which was just her size. The baby cart was taken on a ride everywhere in the store. Every aisle I went to, the baby cart came. Every aisle I picked up something from, the baby cart got it's share of action too. I gladly picked up several compliments from fellow shoppers who were giving my little girl "Oww so cute!" looks! 

Somewhere during our shopping expedition, we turned to the bread aisle. We got out bread fix loaded into the baby cart. And my next destination was to be the vegetables. So I asked the little girl- 
"Gugu, now let's go and get your friends."
I wondered if she will get my joke. 

For weeks or months or years I've been trying to get her to make friends with her vegetables. Her initial declaration was a blanket statement- "I don't like vegetables". But patient parental coersion brings her to be somewhat amicable- to some of them on some days. Carrots are on the good list but still need persuasion.

She paused for a moment and instead of guessing I meant we should go and get vegetables next; she asked "Mumma would we go and get carrots now?"
Now if carrots could hear, they would be so happy they're in the good books right now!

Now I wouldn't go too deep into my twisted world where I'm essentially implying vegetables are your friends and then you eat them!!! :-( I just want them to be together. 

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Who Lives Where

To go with my vegetable pasta, I had a plateful of avocado topped with salt, pepper and shredded basil leaves from my plant. 

I was telling little Miss Haana that the shredded leaf is called basil leaf. And the leaf came from Mumma's plant. 
Instantly Miss Haana turned to her Papa and educated him with seriousness- Papa the leaf came from Mumma plant.
Leaf lives on Mumma plant Papa. 
And avocado lives on the plate!!!


Saturday, September 6, 2014

Are All The Unicorns Coming?

Leaving our usual brunch hangout this Saturday morning I asked little Miss Haana who was riding in arms if all the unicorns were coming. She thought about it and said "Yes".
I prodded. "Did you check Gugu? Are all of them coming? No one got left behind?"
Little baby looked down and paused for a brief moment and replied with confidence- "Yes, all of them are coming".
Guess who are these unicorns following us around. No, not the mythical ones. These are unicorns on her underwear. 

This also has a hidden message- we are all out of diapers now (except in the night). I am super proud of my big big girl!

Sunday, August 31, 2014

My Nap Time

Naps on weekends are always a hit-or-miss. They're a contest between little Miss Haana (way too much fun to be had to risk falling asleep) and her parents (should sleep now to have more fun later!).

Yesterday having given up trying to make her fall asleep I decided it's the classic case of when life serves you with lemons you make lemonade. So here we were both little girl and I in bed, all cuddled up and giggly, me feeling somewhat sleepy now while the little girl fully charged up. Realizing there shall be no little girls napping today, I said "Gugu, why don't you make Mumma fall asleep, and pat me to sleep?".
So here we were - me cuddled up in bed, the little girl sitting next to me, patting me and singing twinkle-twinkle-little-star as a lullaby. In my mind I can see how I can be accused of being the exploitative mom! But the opportunity was too good to pass up. After twinkle twinkle it was row row row your boat. 

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Peers and Paint

I pick up my little girl from her Montessori in the afternoon everyday. Up till now when I pick her up some of the kids in her class have already been picked up. This was the case with the little baby's best friend Miss Mahika. 

Starting this week Miss Haana is going to be dropped an hour yearly to school at 8, and picked up an hour early too. On Monday when I reached to pick her up I had the pleasure of meeting Miss Mahika. 

When I reached the classroom, as always, my little cute girl came running to hug me, and placed herself on my lap and we giggled, and I kissed. Several other kids came running in our direction too. The first thing Miss Mahika did (before pleasantries) was shove her outstretched hands, palms down, in front of me. Purple nail polish! She waited till I had the opportunity to appreciate the nail paint to her satisfaction. If I hadn't noticed already Miss Haana chimed in- Mumma I want nail paint on my fingers too! I laughed in response.

The nail paint on fingers has been a contentious issue I've steered clear of so far. I feel finger nail paint is too visible, eye-catching and fashion conscious,that I decided Miss Haana should not get nail paint on her fingers (toes are ok, and we choose and change those every week). Now with the best friend having nail paint and them discussing it at class (Miss Haana didn't want to wear socks to school on Monday so she can show her friends her toe nail paint!), it's peer pressure too. I can tell I have some battles approaching. For this week, though, happily, she forgot all about nail paints when we reached home! Phew!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

I'll Show You

This morning, like most mornings, I opened the balcony door while Miss Haana was still asleep and looked at the sky. There were clouds hanging low and the beautiful blue of the sky scattered with pinks and goldens of the rising sun.

When I turned around I found the little girl sitting up in bed, eyes still brimming with sleep. I was pleasantly surprised as I always am to see her. I moved in closer to hug her and say good morning. To which she responded with the question: 
Did it stop raining Mumma?
I said, yes Gugu it stopped raining. 
To which she prodded- is it not raining anymore?
I agreed, it's not, anymore.
And then, slipping out of the bed immediately swinging to action, she said-Come Mumma, I'll show you the rainbow.
And we headed to the balcony with a purpose.

I feel I am so deep in the "I'll show you Mumma" phase! We didn't see a rainbow and concluded he must have gone to sleep at an inopportune moment. But for the record, my little girl is my rainbow of all All times :)

Monday, August 11, 2014

Grocery Shopping

Miss Haana and I made a trip to the grocery store yesterday. I usually am not the one doing the groceries. But mostly if I'm going out somewhere it's with my little baby girl. I thoroughly enjoy our trips together - even to mundane places and places otherwise labelled as "chores"- with her, it all comes alive; with her it's different! 

So we were at the nearby grocers on Sunday afternoon; we got our fill of vegetables and milk. I ambled through an aisle that had Burt Bee's products. I like their colored lip balms (with shimmer;)) so I picked out 2 colors I haven't tried. As soon as I picked them out, the little girl (sitting on the shopping cart at this point) wanted to hold them. 

However the lip balm sticks were rigged. They had magnetic pulls that led them to fall to the floor every 30 seconds or so. All through the store for the next 30-45 minutes, I picked up the lip balms from the floor for 500 times or so. (Ok, maybe some exaggeration, but not by a lot!) I finally got tired of it when one time this little girl sitting cozy on the grocery cart dropped the lip balm and it rolled under the shelf and it of reach. We were way to the other side of the store (from where the lip balms were kept) and I was getting tired. I got mad, and told her I'm going to take it away now, and took the lip balm away. 

Attention and naughty energy was soon diverted to a pack of colorful rubber bands I had just picked out and put in the cart for making her pony tails (a recent fetish- both of ours'). Fearing the same fate as the lip balm for the rubber bands; I scolded her not to touch the bag. "If you touch it, I'm not going to get it!" I scolded. The little hand that was reaching out to the rubber and packet, stopped just short after that statement. It hesitated for a few moments, and then decided not to risk it, and was withdrawn.

A few minutes of relative peace and silence ensued. I got done with what I needed to fill my cart with and rolled to the checkout counters. Since a few minutes had passed, the little girl thought it's safe to start again. 

Conversation started with neutral topics. "See Minnie Mouse Mumma"
"Where Gugu?"
"Oh ya, Gugu! I see Minnie Mouse now!"
A couple more neutral sentences later, attention was diverted to the rubber bands again, "Mumma can I touch it now?"
Seeing the humor in the situation now that I'd cooled off, I say yes (why not)!
Next statement? 
"Mumma can I pick it up"

Something tells me that was the plan from the beginning. <3

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Screw Up

This is like a poster of what not to do.
Yesterday little Miss Haana and I were painting another batch of sun-catchers. I decided to touch up one tiny portion by myself, so I took her paintbrush from her.

But just as I rolled the brush in the paint and was about to do some touch up, a drop of paint plopped down on the sun-catcher. "Oh no", I said, "Look Gugu sometimes Mumma screws up too.." And I became absorbed in painting.

I realized quick enough I'd made a mistake - and not just with the paints; because very soon little Miss Haana asked me, "Mumma, can I screws-up too? Pleeaase? Please Mumma, can I scrooze up too?!". (Yes she does talk like that most of the time!)

:-) why was I not told this was gonna be tricky?

Patience Means?

Ater calling on the little girl for the 5th time to come and brush her teeth this morning, I was getting exasperated and impatient!
I was holding her favorite blue brush (which has Dora and her friend Boots on it) and still no sign of her. Getting impatient, I called her again, "Come herrree Guguuuuu"

To which a hear a cool and composed little girl from the other end say, "Wait Mumma! Patience means, have to....? Wait!"

Mumma is resisting the urge to grab and squeeze the little girl for being super cute!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014


There are manufacturers on this planet and in business that make products exclusively catered to toddlers. You need to have a toddler at home to figure that is not necessarily a benign statement: exclusively for toddlers translates into - possibly headache inducing toys for  parents :(

We have one such "toy". 

It's a small seemingly friendly toy- a small handle with two small wheels on a little dial that pops little colorful balls as you walk the toy along the floor. Only, as the balls pop- they make a big noise. It is expertly designed and impeccably crafted plastic of uncanny irritation-inducing capacities. And no matter how much you may try to ignore it, while that toy is being walked with, it's a bane of my existence.

Miss Haana here, insists the toy is a vacuum cleaner. She diligently picks things up to clean underneath. She goes over high traffic areas with her "vacuum" over and over again to make sure the job is done right. She opens closed doors, cleans behind them and closes them back again. It is her vacuum.

And the whole time I can't resist but grin at her diligence. And also can't help shaking my head- I wish her enthusiasm for vacuum cleaners lives long enough for her to actually use one all by herself!! That will be a "vacuum jackpot" for me!! But something tells me I shouldn't hold my breath for that one !

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Cowgirl and other Mumma Stories

Some six months ago I bought a 2014 calendar that featured beautiful paintings (some looked like pictures) of horses. 
October featured a beautiful painting of a cowgirl next to her horse (just gotten off or about to ride the horse).
When Miss Haana saw that picture she declared "Mummaa".
I have to admit - I was super pleased.
Just sifting through the calendar today I  was reminded of it. 

On another note, yesterday for dinner we were at the dinner table. The little girl was in her high chair. On the other side of the room we have some open shelves and on the top one I had kept the canvas that was recently painted - fall trees in the sunshine. Miss Haana looked at it in the middle of dinner and said "Oh very nice painting Mumma!" Pleasantly surprised!

Yesterday when I reached the school to pick up my baby, the class room was brimming with noise. All the kids were shouting and running around as the teacher was trying to calm them down. My little girl was sitting in the center and quietly sifting through a book. After we had our warm reunion( deep hugs and loads of kisses - that's the one time when the little girl doesn't resist my flood of kisses; I make the most of my window of opportunity!) she took me to her book. It was Dora and the Crystal Kingdom. I asked her if she had read it. 
Then, I sat down and started reading it to her- Miss Haana on my lap. Soon all the other kids in the class came up to us to hear the story. And in no time it was story time! We were a small tight circle of kids, helping Dora find the missing crystals! And no one was running or shouting anymore. I had fun and so did everyone else. As soon as the story finished some of the kids quickly became cats or puppies (that's their regular game as well, they come over to me to be petted!) The little girl and I headed home.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Toy Thing

I borderline on the inappropriate sometimes. I realize that I enjoy the other side at times. The marginally inappropriate and somewhat seedy. 

Today I was enjoying sitting on the bed with the little girl and hurling some of her friends (all inanimate soft toys only) from the bed into the crib. Then of course the little girl wanted to get in on the fun too. I was clapping and cheering when she made it and booing when she missed. Poor baby bear and Beejay were the repeat victims of too much excitement and landed close to the crib several  times.. 

Finally after all the stuffed toys had reached the crib after multiple attempts- little Miss Haana wanted Mumma to throw her into the crib too! 

Now I've long considered her a toy of mine.. But whoever told her about it??!

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Brave Heart

Miss Haana and I went to a mall today to pick up something for me. It was supposed to be a quick, targeted trip. The little girl looked down from the third floor and looked at the ice skating rink on the first floor and had the all too familiar sparkle in her eyes. 

We headed down to check if they have any age limit for the skating rink. They gave me their smallest skate and told me if this fits, the little girl is good to skate. It fit! So we rented some skates and were good to go.

They had a section of the rink with a rail so I could hold Miss Haana's hand and walk along with her- me outside the rink, she inside. It was slippery for her initially. We started off with me holding both her hands. We went back and forth a few times and soon I was holding only 1 hand.

A little girl (much older than Miss Haana) came by several times to tell me and Miss Haana that she was doing really well! She came by to hold her hand and walk/skate with her too. And she told her how to step and how to balance herself and then slide her steps. The little girl and I went back and forth a few more times. 

And soon, she didn't want to hold my hand anymore! I was scared because I wasn't on the ice, and I wondered if she fell down in the ice and I could reach her- then what? But no such thought bothered my brave little girl. She went a little away from my reach and pulled up her hands in a ballet pose! And then she walked slowly to a small pink circle projected by the overhead lights on the ice, and looked and me and told me it looked like an 'O'. I agreed. 

She started to slip a few times, but regained and was fine.

I was so amazed and proud of her! She did awesome, and I can't help but brag about it! 

I should probably confess at this point that my own past endeavors in ice skating are not as inspiring. I had tried ice skating by taking a lesson long time ago. But I had had a couple of bad falls and landed on my elbows. The evening ended in the ER and both elbows being in a cast - one for 1 week and the other for 4-5 weeks. I never stepped on the rink again. Today when I saw other kids possibly first timers get in on the skating rink with trepidation but egged on by their parents who were on the rink, wearing their skates, right behind them; I felt a tad sad.

I had told the little girl before we got into the rink to not be scared and be brave- not give up, even if she falls. And indeed our first skating rink experience ended with her being the brave one, and her Mumma being the scared kitten. I guess I should look into getting some elbow pads for me.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Extra Terrestrials

I wonder.

If an extra terrestrial were to come down or telescope into our lives would they be awe struck at some of our simplest and yet the most amazing things here on earth?

Would they be amazed at the perfect physics of a soap bubble? Would they be amused or marvel at the twinkle in the eye induced by a floating colorful fragile, perfect bubble? 

Would they find our white cotton-puff clouds amazingly dreamy and unhindered?

Would they see our world with the same  wondrous excitement as little kids spotting a bird and an aeroplane in the sky?

Well, I'm not sure if the extra terrestrials would be impressed. There are two girls (Miss Haana and I) who are mighty amazed!

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Funny Things that Happen Everyday

Funny things that happen everyday:

Heard today from the back seat of the car while Papa was putting the little girl in the car seat- I'll give you a timeout Papa!

After more than 30 minutes of trying to put the little girl to nap, she gets up, puts both her hands on my cheeks and looks at me with overwhelming concern and anxiety. And say- Mumma, what's your name?!!

This morning the little girl got up and said Mumma I want to go and sleep on my Mini sofa. And then I want to wake up. Is that a plant Mumma? That a plant?
(I figure it is a plan!)

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

No You're Not Done

Today while having dinner I didn't have much of an appetite. I hadn't finished my plate but I was full and said- I am done.

Miss Haana's response:
No you're not done. Because you have tofinish your food. Because to be big and strong. Because how to be a big girl? Because you're not done yet! Take your fork and eat Mumma!

I had heard this was going to happen (when the little girl teaches me things) I just didn't know it would happen this fast!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

I Need A New Umbrella

It's just rained cats and dogs here. And some of us have been out there braving the elements.

Miss Haana and I went for a walk just as a few raindrops were falling here and there. We went with my umbrella which- I should say, is not much of an umbrella at all. It is small and goes from a concave to a convex shape at the slightest of balmy winds! Miss Haana kept choosing which way to go (left or right?) so we kept going away from home. Still only drizzling at best. Then we came close to the gazebo by the lake so I suggested let's go to the gazebo. Now it started raining. Big time! I carried the little girl and the umbrella somehow and we made it to the gazebo. But like I said some of us just didn't want to just stay in the shade. Miss Haana wanted to go down the stairs next to the gazebo and walk next to the lake.. There were some spots along the lake partially protected by the rain because of trees. The little girl insisted on singing. 

Suddenly it was raining cats n dogs now and we were stuck beneath a hardly-shade-enough-of-a-tree with a useless umbrella. The little one  and I were giggling like crazy! 

Finally I carried her and the umbrella (really a liability at this point) and headed back to gazebo. Raj had come looking for us at the gazebo with his umbrella (big, big one). She transfered tents. We headed back totally soaking ;)
When we got to our garage all pretense of trying to stay out of the rain were abandoned and we were running around in the back lane in the rain.

Now that's how you welcome the summer :)

Monday, June 23, 2014

Squashing Bumblebees

Heard from the back seat of the car while driving home yesterday, with actions and replete with musical effects:

Oh my Mumma help me clean
I'm squashing my baby bumblebee
Eww! It's all over me,
I'm squashing my baby bumblebee.

Repeated today by most popular demand!

Saturday, June 21, 2014

What About My Wand

These days here's the scene for us to get ready.. 
Mumma I want to wear a dress
Ok Gugu
Mumma I want to wear the pink dress.
Oh, which one little girl?
Come Mumma, I'll show you.
I am taken-holding my finger to the closet where all the little girl dresses are hanging.
Ok Gugu which one do you want? Do you want this one?
This one?
This purple one?
This orange one?
Pink one?
Then which one? This one?
Yes. I want this one.
We grab that down and wear it with eager anticipation. 
Then a twirl test is given to the dress - where the little girl twirls and checks out if the dress twirls to her satisfaction.
Unfortunately this one just failed.
Mumma this one doesn't twirl. I want the other one. 
Which one gugu?
The pink one.
This one?
This one?
This one.
Take the dress down from the hanger and we put it on.
5 minutes and a twirl test later, we are back in the closet.
This time another pink dress chosen.
This one(same as the one worn in the morning). But I recognize there's no arguing at this point. 
Ok but we are not changing it any more.
We wear this pink one. 
I put a small pink flower in her hair to match a white-n-pink flower in my hair. (There's more than 1 girl in this house ;) )

Finally with the dress chosen, we are ready to head out. I chose silver "princess" shoes for her.
Little Miss Haana is pleased with my selection. But then she looked at us with utter shock and doom (eyes wide, mouth O-shaped) and shouted out loud:
Where is my princess wand?

We both looked at each other. 
Then I looked in utter shock and doom and asked Raj- Papa, what about the wand? :) :)

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Popsicle Wars

It's not officially summer yet, but it's close enough. So today when I picked the litle girl from her Montessori we headed straight to the neighborhood store for popsicles (sound better when you scream the "Popsicles!!!!" out loud :) )

Both of us girls got ourselves a rainbow popsicle each. And we hung out on the pavement outside the store to enjoy our summer treats. After congratulating each other on how "coooold" and "tastyyyy" they were, we realized our treats were melting away and fast. Soon puddles of sticky pink droplets were forming next to the little girl  with incredible magnetic powers that were calling on Miss Haana and asking her to step or stick her finger in the yucky puddle. 

But then I reminded her the popsicle was melting fast; so we needed to get our acts together.

The little girl decided the litle droplets looked like rain drops. But wondered if they could be made to fly instead of falling from the popsicle to the puddle on the ground. She waved her hand but the popsicle went flying away! The stick was still in her hand. We giggled and giggled and then I saw the stick go flying away too.

And even more craziness followed. Now this naughty little thing wanted to go and step on the popsicle lying on the ground to squash it. "No!!" This time I prevailed but I could see it was a hard decision by the little girl. 

More jumping and "hurray"s later we headed home. These were the fun-nest popsicles of my life! :)

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

A Thing Of Beauty

This morning I was listening to an old B. E. King song 'Stand By Me'. I was on a binge-repeat mode.

And the whole time I was remembering a phrase and realizing how true it is- a thing of beauty is a joy forever. I often think of this phrase when I hear some of my favorite music from the 70s or even 60s. And I wonder if the people who created it knew or could foresee that someone 50-60 years later would still be listening to what they produced and still appreciate it! It's such an amazing thought. 

I think amazing things happen when one does something from the heart- uninhibited and free of judgement (whether others' or ones's own). Beautiful things can happen when one accepts the risks but takes the courage of following where the heart is. I think that's how such beauty- that transcends time and age, got created. 

Miss Haana and I have been dabbling in paints lately. She's painted with me before- we did sponge painting first. Then we did q-tip stencil painting. But now. Now she does the very grown up paint brush painting. No stencils, no sponge, no plans, no inhibitions. I am just told which colors she wants. I take my job of the color mixer and palette preparer very seriously! And then she takes the paint soaked brush and paints. I am so proud of her. 

Friday, June 13, 2014

My Favorite

It's been a couple weeks since the little girl started her new Montessori school. They had soccer practice this week. And my best part of the school experience is when I pick her up.
Little Miss Haana comes running up to me as I open the class door and I kneel down and we have a big big hug. Followed by kisses of course. Some days I'm required to bribe so we can come home. "Let's go to the slides and swings", usually come in handy. 

And then as I turn to their teacher to ask her the days' report, the usual report is- "Oh she is so good! She talks so sweetly everyone here just wants to hear her talk! She's very good! No problem at all! And she picks up things so fast, as we tell her how to do certain things... She was perfect". She is everyone's favorite!!

I am beaming both inside and out!

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Return Policy

Yesterday I was remembering something about my India trip - few months back. I stayed for a couple days at my sisters'. Miss Haana and my nephew Aby became best buddies ever! If Aby was around no one else was needed.

My sister (Miss Haana's Mausi - mom's sister) and brother-in-law had this wondrous  excitement in their eyes when they were looking at the little girl! As if she's the most fun and awesome thing that ever came about. And they're trying hard to figure out how to please her!

Sid uncle talked to the little girl and asked her if she wants to see some birds outside on the balcony. She seemed interested and immediately went to his arms to check it out. I saw her Mausi's eyes widen in surprise and jealousy :) 

They both has this wondrous look in their eyes around the little girl - this little impossibly cute little thing-  that talks and walks and cries and laughs. And then goes wherever Aby bhaiya goes! 

 My sister- still maintains that the little girl is just like her and should be returned to her with immediate effect! As per her, I break the return policy every single day :)

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Construction Fun

Today we did something seriously exciting and bold. We (Miss Haana and I) are rule breakers now. The way I look at it- it's always better to start early; why wait?! I must add though, thanks to my friend Christine's wisdom I now know that this is not our first foray into rule breaking. Bluebonnet is our state flower and you're not supposed to pluck it. Well, before I knew that, the little girl and I had been playing in the flowers and I made her get a bunch of flowers and carry it home for Mumma. :-)

Today it was different. Our neighborhood had been home temporarily to a little excavator a few weeks back. This was the little-st, tiniest excavator I've seen. It's tracks were barely 3-4 feet long. It looked like a baby excavator! We'd been watching it, driving by it several times and I had planned to get down one day and go with the little girl and check it out at close quarters. However it just never happened and last week, it was gone. Just the day I planned to make a stop finally, it was gone! I felt so very bad for missing that opportunity window! 

But then, another baby excavator surfaced not far at another small contruction site. And this time I didn't want to wait too long. So today at dusk, when all the construction site workers had gone home, the little girl and I set out for our own adventure!

We walked over to the baby! And we looked at it, the little girl sat on the excavator seat and pulled at all the levers (mildly disappointed that it was not doing anything and wasn't running). Actually the key was right there but I decided that would be going too far. I told Miss Haana that the baby excavator probably just turned in to bed for the night. He must've been tired. I asked if I could sit on the seat with her, and I was granted permission. It was super cool! 

Finally it was time to head back and the little girl bid her "Good bye baby excavator! Good night, sleep tight!" And then in the end: "See you tomorrow!" :-)

Monday, June 2, 2014

First Day of School

Today was the first day of school - for both the school and little Miss Haana. And I am delighted to report they both had a wonderful time. 

We had been prepping he little girl for the change by telling her she will go to a new school soon. And finally the big day arrived. This morning Dad went to drop her to school. I was anxious she may feel distraught and would resist being left at a new place. I got a phone call at 9 to report how it went:

Dad took the little girl to her teacher and told her about school. She seemed a little anxious but didn't resist much. As dad left and then watched her classroom on the camera from the school lobby, the little girl looked around to absorb the new surroundings. She listened to the teachers. Went and got herself some toy to play with. She helped and directed another little girl on how to use another toy she was playing with. She had been talking to the other girl when the class was then taken to wash their hands for snack time. She was ahead in the line for washing hands and then was placed on a chair. She grabbed a few bites and milk . She seemed concerned about a couple of other kids who were very unhappy to be there. I could see in my head her itching to go to them and say "Oww, it's alright! It will be fine!"! That's what she would do at home.

Then a few more minutes of toy time. And then the class was lined up for going out to the playground! I thought she would have a blast in the playground- and she did. To begin with, once outside she remembered (not that she ever forgets it) that she, afterall, is a ballerina. So she practiced her twirls and bows and more twirls for a bit. After that she ran around round and round. More gleeful minutes of playground later, Dad decided to leave her there and my live running commentary into her day stopped as well. But I was so releaved that she was having fun.

I had planned to pick her up earlier than usual - a little after 3pm. As I reached the school I saw her teachers outside in the playground. They waved to me. I ran inside- urgently wanting to meet and hug her. We had our usual animated high pitched hug and kiss meet-up routine. It's been maybe a year since I've been picking her up from daycare but our animated pickup routine is still as animated as ever! Disney should take notice of her;-) Very soon, though, she wanted to get out of my grasp to go back to the slides. After one slide down, I was taken (holding by my finger ) to try the other slide. I didn't anticipate this, but I had trouble getting her out of the school to go home. In the end, I had to resort to bribery and tell her we will go to the other slides closer to home. And then we both got into the car and went to the other slides! 

That was Miss Haana's the first day of school.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

New School Anxiety

Another chapter in my baby's life draws to an end and another begins on Monday.
Miss Haana had been going to a home based montessary for almost a year now. And this last Friday, was her last day.
With much trepidation and several tours and visits, a decision for the pre-school was made. 

Meanwhile Suneeta Aunty had a send-off for the little girl on Friday - her last day at the daycare. Gifts were exchanged. Photos were taken. Hugs and kisses and much more!

Starting Monday Miss Haana is to join a new Montessori school that just opened in our neighborhood. It is right around the corner and has a packed schedule with petting animals on Tuesday and donuts with dad on Friday and many more activities planned the following days. The school will also have music, arts, drama in their curriculum. And then ballet lessons, karate classes and soccer practice! I am excited the school will have so many activities that the little girl will loove! She has already decided she's a ballerina, and would give a demo twirl and pirrouette if you're willing!

As expected Miss Haana is looking forward to her going to school. And both her parents are extremely extremely anxious!

Training Dilemmas

Potty training has been on the radar for quite some time now. But nothing has been done yet. 

This is the experience from my dearest friend (the mom) and Miss Haana's best friend Rushil:

Picking Poop...
The first time I had a conversation about picking poop was about using cloth diapers with a colleague. My Q was how to clean the poopie ones.. He said wash it down in the toilet, I asked using what, He said....hands and I almost puked.

I decided to go with environment unfriendly option - regular diapers. After two years and 5000+ diapers later came the Potty training time. I read the best way to potty train is using Potty chair, I have the same issue, how will I clean it, the answer is wipe it with a cleaning towel...I know my son is ready but I am NOT.

My son hates diaper changes and throw his legs all over, basically he is kicking me during the entire process. The other day, when he kicked again on the changing table, I got really upset and gave him a timeout. Since, we were in the middle of diaper change, old diaper was off but new diaper was not on. I picked him up and put him next to the time out wall. After few minutes he started crying and I went to check on him... 

Guess what, there is poopie on the floor. he is scared of his own pooping experience, crying and wanting me to hold him, clinging to me. I am panicking that what is this, you are all dirty, don't come near me, let me clean you up etc...Poor kid, After throwing few wipes around, I managed to clean him and put him back on the changing table. Well after putting the diaper, l still had to clean the floors.

I was about to puke all over the floor, luckily there were only two patches to be cleaned... That was the end of it and I am still not ready how to start the Potty training without picking any poop... 

Monday, May 26, 2014


We were partaking in our weekly Sunday night ritual of changing nail paint - little Haana and I. The little girl chooses the color she wants this week for herself and for Mumma. 

Today I was painting her toe nails and told her like always "No moving". And after sometime I followed that with "No talking either" so that she doesn't move her legs and spoil the nail paint. Neither of which she pays heed to usually.

After a precious couple seconds of silence Miss Haana leaned over to me and said "Hey Mumma, why don't you tell me a joke".

I stopped what u was doing and looked up to make sure I'm still dealing with a two and a half year old! 


Remember all the sleepless nights with a few months' old baby at home? It's all going to work out I reckon.
Yesterday after lunch I was relishing at prospect of taking a nap in the afternoon. And Miss Haana took it upon herself to make sure it's done right.
She sang to me a lullaby and kept ordering me to "Close your eyes" while she sang twinkle twinkle little star to me :-)
I could get used to this!

Monday, May 19, 2014


Miss Haana's best buddy Rushil is very popular in our household. He's this unbelievably cute thing that I have to resist crushing everytime I see him! He's tall and lean and 7 weeks younger than the little girl. He and Haana meet most weekends like long lost siblings after a lifetime spent apart. They are both so cute in their friendship! 

Certain words that Rushil says are so amazingly cute, there's just hoping he never outgrows them. One of my favorites is "Gone" pronounced as: gawnnnn! We specifically tailor questions to make him so 'gone' over and over again. After all our parental troubles the least these toddlers can do is to provide us with some entertainment, right?!

This evening I asked a ready for bath-time sans-clothes baby- "where are all your clothes", and she replied "Gawwnnn"! We all giggled uncontrollably and asked again and again and again! Some jokes just never get old.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Backout Plan

Gone are the days when the baby in the house would be driven by curiosity and new found mobility. She would stumble upon naughtiness, least realizing it; and certainly not meaning it. Now are the days when little Miss Haana is in the bold territory of fully realizing what would be naughty, but would still embark on the said curious and completely fearless pursuits. Parental warnings and no-s are usually drowned out by just pure ambition. The result is maddening (for us parents). 

And she has a blackout plan too.

These days when she gets into trouble, and I get upset, she immediately transforms from the feisty tiger to a purring kitty-cat. She leans forward to hug me; grabs my arm and kisses it ever so sweetly! And then falls into hugging me again. The first time this happened, I couldn't help but melt away; anger evaporated- I conceded, smiled and gave her kisses and hugged her back. The next time, same result. And the next too. Actually, I have to admit, it's been a very good track record for her! And I'm not even complaining. 


Ps- she is a such good little kid. :) 

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Backout Plan

Gone are the days when the baby in the house would be driven by curiosity and new found mobility. She would stumble upon naughtiness, least realizing it; and certainly not meaning it. Now are the days when little Miss Haana is in the bold territory of fully realizing what would be naughty, but would still embark on the said curious and completely fearless pursuits. Parental warnings and no-s are usually drowned out by just pure ambition. The result is maddening (for us parents). 

And she has a blackout plan too.

These days when she gets into trouble, and I get upset, she immediately transforms from the feisty tiger to a purring kitty-cat. She leans forward to hug me; grabs my arm and kisses it ever so sweetly! And then falls into hugging me again. The first time this happened, I couldn't help but melt away; anger evaporated- I conceded, smiled and gave her kisses and hugged her back. The next time, same result. And the next too. Actually, I have to admit, it's been a very good track record for her! And I'm not even complaining. 


Ps- she is a such good little kid. :) 

Friday, May 9, 2014


I loose my temper way too often. Sometimes it is because I'm trying to do too much. Or at times I have my last nerve and the little girl gets on it. Or sometimes I am tired and run down and everything is getting just a little too much. Moral of the story- it happens. If someone tries to give me the moral speech of what I'm doing wrong, I would passionately defend my stance. But I'm not proud of loosing it.

The other day the little girl was talking to her little doll Merida and I was listening in.
Apparently Merida had been naughty so she was being given a timeout.
But soon after that she was called back again followed by: "Oww, I'm sorry little baby! It's okay, I love you Merida. Aww little baby Merida!" (Hugs and kisses to Merida follow).

Friday, May 2, 2014

Drive to Slides

Drive to slides: full of happiness and bubbly excitement
Drive back from slides: NOT!
Some drive are excepted to be only one way drives. 

Saturday, April 26, 2014

15 Seconds

This is a typical 15 second conversation (albeit somewhat one sided) these days:

"(If on the high chair) I want to go down. (If tried to help) No, I want to go up. I want yogurt. I want paani( water). I want coloring. I want to sit on Mumma lap. I want cold paani. I want blue paani (water in a blue glass). Nooo, I want to do all by myself. I want to go out. I want to ride bicycle. I want to read fairy book. I want pink horsie. Guys, what not talking?"


Saturday, April 19, 2014

The Favorite Dragon

We were getting out of our usual neighborhood bookstore hangout and I was getting ready to pay when Miss Haana's eye caught a purple dragon. "Mumma! Look! Purple Dragon!!". Soon followed by: "Mumma can I have the purple dragon!" 

I turned from the cashiers' with a big, internal "Oh nooooo!". No escape was possible now!  'How can they keep the cutest, shiniest little stuffed decoys right where they'll hook into these toddler brains'- is what I was thinking. That was until I saw the dragon. Violet dragon with shiny green wings and shiny green belly, deep pink nostrils and ears. Ohh my! This one was soo cute! And so unusual! Just one of a kind.. So beautiful and pretty and woonderfullll! ( I was saying this inside in my head). I quickly paid and we grabbed the dragon and the books and headed out. 

The little girl was holding on to the new dragon (already acclaimed as the favorite) and me holding the curious George-s, Arthur-s, Winnie-the-Pooh-s, Cat in the Hat-s and Minnie-s; captured in wonderful books in a bag. All the "other" favorites :-)

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Easter Egg Hunt

Thanks to a dear friend of mine, we had the agenda to go Easter egg hunting and attend the pancake festival in a nearby town this perfect springy Saturday morning. I had mentioned the words "pancake" and "breakfast" in a sentence together to Miss Haana and she was super excited! Indeed she has read the story of curious George, the good little monkey helping make the pancake festival in their town a huge roaring success. So there was no way we were going to miss our very own, real-time pancake festival! From Friday night, the wait was on.

On Saturday morning, the clock was ticking. We got to the festival and headed straight for the pancakes first! All you can eat pancakes! All of us ate to our hearts and stomachs' content. Once stocked up on breakfast we proceeded to enjoy the festival.
Petted the petting zoo animals, got on the fire tucks, got a kitty cat in face painting, played with bubbles. Until finally, it was time for the Easter egg hunt.

There were different fields for different age groups and we were in line for the 2-3 year's field. We stood at the starting line and out there at a distance was a field full of colorful Easter eggs. Each kid was accompanied with one adult parent. It was our very first Easter egg hunt. I tutored the little girl on what to do- run to the field and grab as many eggs as you can and fill your basket.

Once the fire engine horn blared, all the kids were off. I couldn't believe the speed with which the swarm of parents with kids in tow got to the eggs. Miss Haana and I ran, but hit a momentary snag with a shoe coming off. Once that was fixed, we continued running. But by the time we would reach the area with eggs, they were being wiped out by zealous parents and kids! I looked at our basket. It was empty! I looked around- the eggs were going fast. Something needed to be done. 

I ran ahead looking for eggs. I locked my eyes on one just a couple steps ahead. I flew over a couple kids reaching into an egg to grab on to the one I had eyed just ahead. Just then, from the corner of my eye, I saw a little kid reach out for the same egg. Only, I was faster. I snatched the egg just as the little kid reached close enough. The parents of the kid in tow, were already consolidatory - "Oww, it's ok! We'll find another one." Sure! This one is going in our basket! And we landed our first egg. We got another one a few minutes later. But as we were running for more, I turned around and saw Miss Haana had dropped both of them while running to grab other eggs. Of course those eggs were grabbed before they even hit the ground. The swarm of parents and kids were now to the far end of the field grabbing the few remaining eggs. 

A volunteer came by us, with a huge basket full of eggs and filled ours' with as many eggs as our little pink basket would  hold. We were victorious afterall! 

Miss Haana guarded her egg basket with her life from that point on until, well, right before calling it a day and hitting the bed. I met up with my friend at the park and we laughed about the new depths I have recently sunk into - grabbing an Easter egg from another kid! It's a slippery slope from here, I realize! 

Monday, April 7, 2014

New Glossary of Terms

New glossary of terms to convert Miss-Haana-talk to English:

English => Miss-Haana-ese
Mashed potato => Mashed topato
Big girl bite => Big girl gite ( usually accompanied by silly giggles because she realized that she didn't say it quite right)! 

Friday, March 28, 2014

La Grange

It felt like a dream come true. And it was magical!

We were returning back from work and day care each- little Miss Haana and I. We were listening to some music when suddenly, like an unexpected turn of events, one of my favorite numbers came on.. La Grange (ZZ Top). I cranked up the volume, and instead of turning to go home, turned away to enjoy some great company (a sweet little girl and some of the greatest rock musicians!) while I drove on. 

But the truly fun part came when the song went into a serious guitar piece and I glanced back. The little girl was enjoying the music thoroughly. What amused me more was that she had this fictitious (air) guitar that she was playing and Oh! how thoroughly  gratifying it was! I started laughing and egged her on: "Gugu, play faster!!!" She immediately responded with gleeful giggles of her own, and even more vigorous head shaking and guitar playing.  I felt like I've died and reached heaven! 

The next song? Whole Lotta Love (Led Zep). This just keeps getting better!


Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Miss Haana just gestured for me to give her a phone- "Give me, give me phone. Quickly! Give me phone quickly Mumma"!

Already I'm not about fast enough for her :-)

Sunday, March 23, 2014

It's a Spoon

It was with great parental pride that Dad was showing little Miss Haana how a flat sheet of paper can be turned into a boat.
At each fold she was asked what shape is this? 
"And what is it now?"
"And what about now?"

So it was hilarious in the end, when this boat finally came into existence and Dad asked the little girl, "And what is that?", expecting to an answer brimming with wondrous excitement. 
"It's a spoon!"

I didn't check to see if somehow the little boat may actually look like a spoon to the little sparkly pair of eyes! I was too busy laughing!!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Stevie Ray Vaughn

I've become immune to everybody telling me my little girl looks exactly like her father.  "She looks like a carbon copy of her Dad"! Heard all of that before.

But yesterday I was talking to a friend of mine and I was telling him something that happened this last week. And  I feel completely vindicated! 

Last week I had Stevie Ray Vaughn 'All your Love I Miss Loving' playing on the speakers at home, little Miss Haana was all over the place! There was moving, turning, twirling, jumping, hopping and just pure this-is-too-much-fun giggling!

She may look like her Dad and not me, but as long as she inherited love for music and appreciation for such great musicians of all times; I am good :)

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Got That Memo?

Since when did "Come here" become interpreted as "turn around and scuttle away quick as you can"?? 

I did not get that memo, but obviously some member of my household did!

My Suitcase

The sweetest thing happened the other day. I switched off the alarm and was just fixing to get out of the bed in the morning. The little girl was sleeping next to me peacefully. Suddenly there was a loud scream. The little baby cried out -"Noooo"! I turned sharply to see what happened suddenly! Her eyes still closed,  in deep sleep she shouted "My suitcase!!"! 
Then she turned and continued sleeping.

The said suitcase is actually a purple and pink sunglasses' holder. The suitcase doesn't know it was made to hold sunglasses though. All the suitcase has seen or ever held is crayons, a small magnet dog, paper cards with strange animal photos (paper animals -they are called), and other such tid-bits that Mumma secretly schemes of getting rid of.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

The Snake and the Mermaid Story

We were at a nearby toy store. This visit of ours' reminded me in some ways of a visit to the same toy store back in October last year- because basically they both ended the same way. Sort of. 

At the toy store right at the check out counter they have all their kids'-magnet stuff. All the knick-knacks that are more or less useless, not very expensive but not dirt cheap either. A brilliant strategy to boost sales.

Back in October we were at the store checking out, when the little girl had found a basket full of mermaid dolls with long hair. I liked them too so I didn't resist it when she picked one up for herself. She picked one with long yellow hair. My crinal mistake was to choose a pink one, and thinking she might like the pink one better, asked if she wanted that one instead. Turns out- she did want the pink one. She wanted the pink one also! Obviously I wanted to get just one- so I somehow lost one and hurried over to the car with a wailing baby and 1 mermaid. Hysterical crying ensued. I was the monster mom that the entire store had turned around and looked at repeatedly and probably were still shaking their heads at. (All for just a few bucks? Making the baby cry out that much?!) they must be thinking inside their heads..

Anyhow, I and my wallet made it back to the car safely, although quite shaken up. But very passionate and emotional crying continued for several several minutes in the car. "My pinkyuyyyy" she cried until finally I reached a point that I couldn't take it anymore. Poor thing! I thought! Making her cry so much for a little mermaid she liked. 

Yes, to date we have 2 mermaids. They are Pinky and Lily. They both reside on the bath tub to this day.

Today, near the checkout the little girl found a rubber snake. About an inch in diameter and 2 feet in length. It was creepy I thought. Not to little Miss Haana though. She picked it up and was sort of beginning to bond with it.

Just then, we were done. All paid for, ready to go. When I said "we" it did not include the snake. It was creeping me out and there was no way it was coming home with us. So, I made her keep it down and then dashed to the door.

Back in the car there was mixture of anger, hurt, disbelief all rolled into a tearful retort of outburst which did not stop till we were back home. Even after we were home, she was still hurt over "my snake" who was left behind!! 

Finally I picked up the little baby and had to square with her. "You're a brave girl. You saw a snake and you didn't get scared. But Mumma got scared of the snake, little baby! Mumma got very scared that's why Mumma didn't get it, baby". She accepted the explanation and let it go at that. I was glad and relieved for many reasons :-)

Bookstore Visit

Last week we went to a big, big bookstore. Miss Haana and I had been to a nearby bookstore too many times and we were ready for something new. It was a beautiful day and we had great drive in the convertible. But it was only when we stepped inside the bookstore that the real fun unleashed!

Once inside, we headed straight to the kids' section. There were aisles upon aisles of books.. Picture books, board books, craft books, sticker books, awarded books, best illustrated books.. Baskets full of stuffed toys, activity sets, carts full of more books! They had a small house with teeny-tiny table and 4 small chairs for the little readers. There was a ramp for little readers to take their cart up  to the other aisles that were a few steps up. A couple kids were running their carts up and down the ramp. 

Initially Miss Haana went straight into the small little house and seated herself on the little bitty chairs. She sifted through the books on the table, pointed out pictures to the other kids; while I looked for Curious George and Dora and Arthur books. 

Soon a handful of crazy kids were running up and down the ramp with a cart. Giggling crazy! One of them kids was mine! 

Meanwhile I ran to the sticker aisle! Oh my! What a treasure trove! There were books upon books of all kinds of stickers!  Is this all real, I wondered! 

There were more wonderful aisles of art work, reading, numbers, crafts and best of all.. Sparkles! 

However, the clock beckoned- it was time for us to get going. And I had to leave some books and activities behind for a second visit after all. So with s heavy heart we headed to the checkout counter. But already scheming to come back another day. This was way too much fun!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Pop Quiz

This evening as usual I picked up Miss Haana from her day care and we were on out way back home. What I wasn't aware of, was that it was pop quiz time.

Just out of the blues, I thought it was appropriate to check if I picked the right baby from the daycare. So, while driving I bantered, "Gugu, are you Gugu? Is that you Gugu?" She said "Yes. It's Gugu. It's called Suhaana". 
"Oh, is your name Suhaana?"
"Yes, it's called Suhaana. You're right".
"What's your name Mumma?"
"Uh, I don't know Gugu".
"Mumma name is Rangoli".
"Oh, is that right?"
"Yes, that's right"!
"What's Papa name, Mumma?"
Continue playing dumb: "I don't know!"
I wasn't scoring very well on this pop quiz. But at least I was being told what the right answers were!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Someone Loves Painting

Miss Haana made these creations and loved each minute of it! So did I!

And then, when we were done, hands washed, all done, we covered them with stickers!

Oh how I love the stickers :)

I hear "Butterflies", "flower", "Owl" over and over again! 

Monday, February 24, 2014

Lincoln Log Men

We got a new blocks game for the little girl. The Lincoln Logs. It comes with log shaped blocks that can make different types of cabins. It also has 2 burly looking men included - almost as tall as my thumb.

This evening the little girl showed me her tea pot which now had two Lincoln log men inside. I asked her what the two men were doing inside the tea pot and was told in no uncertain terms they are making tea.

The fact that she thinks men are to make tea made me just giggle with delight :) Somehow, in some weird way, it's feeling like parenting may work out afterall :-) 

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Side Effects of Reading

A new realization just dawned on me. I've been reading Miss Haana a lot of story books these days. So much so that every weekend she demands to go to the bookstore (I consider that a personal success! ;) )

While reading her the stories I love to stretch some words, sing some others, prance on still more and hop around on certain phrases till it becomes like a sing-song rhyme :) Both Miss Haana and I thoroughly enjoy this. I just hadn't realized how much I was enjoying it till today.

The little girl and I were at Walmart shopping for activity sets for her. I was super excited about all the stuff we had just picked out for her. I called up and talked to Raj and I was telling him the stuff we picked. And I was barely done when I realized I was talking like I'm reading one of her Curious George books "We're going to have sooooo much fuuuunnn!!" "We found soooo mannyyy sticckkkerssss!"! 

This realization took me back to a workplace conversation I was a part of while I was pregnant- where my coworkers were talking about how people start talking in baby-talk and how funny it sounds. I cautiously said-" I don't know, I just don't think I'm one of those baby talking types".. They both gave me a look like - we'll see about that! Oh my! I just realized I have become my own embarrassment :-)